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A Distasteful Look Into The Souls Of Hardcore Trump Supporters

A Distasteful Look Into The Souls Of Hardcore Trump Supporters
Date Posted: Sunday, September 16th, 2018

Editor's Note: We at MooreNews.net pride ourselves on bringing you articles that are professionally presented, factually accurate and grammatically correct without spelling or typographical errors. But, in the case of the following article, which contains raw, crass, and, even, vulgar emails to a reporter from a variety of Trump supporters, we are making an exception in the belief that re-printing these emails unedited provides an unvarnished look into the souls of many Trump supporters...as distasteful as that may be.


Welcome back to Dead Letters, the feature in which we reprint our favorite reader mail. We should take this moment to remind you that all emails to Deadspin and its editors and writers are on the record unless otherwise specified. Now for your letters.

Subject: Your article about Trump.

From: Bobby Bell
To: Albert Burneko

No your article won’t provoke me to read you going forward.
You dumbass! He’s your President and buckle up, he has 6 more years. You liberals are idiots!

Yep, America's Worst Human Is Still President

Hey pals. How’s your morning been? Did your Breakfast Behemoth turn out okay? Here’s what the…

Subject: [no subject]

From: Robert Gies
To: Albert Burneko

Here is your chance oh writer of wit,you think you are at the top of the intellectual heep ,run for office ,don’t hold back lets see what you can do please feel free to run for president 2020 may vote for you if you have the right plan

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: USA

From: David Harris
To: Albert Burneko

If you don’t like it here move to a different country.hes a president.if you talked like that in other countries you would be put to death thank God for are freedom and the USA so you can hide behind paperwork and be a ass.go get a real job

From: Albert Burneko
To: David Harris

Hey David, thanks for the email. Eat a mile of shit.

From: David Harris
To: Albert Burneko

You look like you allready did so eat sit and fuck off your nothing but a rasices.

Subject: Except for you.

From: James Umhey
To: Albert Burneko

“Shit for brains” should be your email address. Get a life.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: Russell Dark
To: Albert Burneko

YOU are a HATE FILLED RACIST. First, you personally don’t know HOW MANY were killed in PR. Secondly, do you realize that TRUMP has brought the GREAT ST economic grow IN HISTORY! !! It even broke the record in 1980 when REAGAN did major tax cuts. YOU LIBERALS ARE SUCH BLIND IDIOTS.

Subject: [no subject]

From: John Wayne
To: Albert Burneko

Fuck you shitbag elitist cunt. Thank God for President Donald Trump! Suck it libfuck@

Subject: Article

From: Richard
To: Albert Burneko

America’s worst person...really? Glad you don’t exaggerate much. This is why nobody pays any attention to the main stream media and why you have been labled accurately fake news. You’re wildly partisan agenda driven writers parading around as journalists. You and those like you are a disgrace to “journalism”. You better get used to Trump, you’re going to have 6 more years of him.

Richard Keyser

Subject: Make America Great Again

From: Noe Molina
To: Albert Burneko

Let’s make America Great Again.
You have 6 more years to get with the program.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Albert Burneko
To: Noe Molina

Hey Noe, go directly to hell. Thanks!

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko

Millions if us support Trump. He is best President besides Regan.

This message was sent to you by a T-Mobile wireless phone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Tony Castelli
To: Albert Burneko

You must be one of those living and thieving DEMOCRATS! Or communist!

Subject: [no subject]

From: Steve Alber
To: Albert Burneko

It’s to bad that you type of people dont wake up and see what’s he has done for the country. We didnt say anything when that lying lazy idiot before him was in office. But u cry babies will never get it

Subject: Google article

From: Susan Widloski
To: Albert Burneko

Screw you f”:#%ng liberal.

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: TRUMP

From: clint.44
To: Albert Burneko

You are the price of shot, asshole and every hater like you.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Subject: [no subject]

From: Mike Davidson
To: Albert Burneko

He’s the worst? Are you sure it’s not your insane psychotic dyke Hillary, who rubs her. Pussy In everyone’s face to get what she wants.
Even gay men are waking up to the left’s lies.
After the midterms, even if democrats have their “ blue wave” of feces
Americans are so fed up antifa black lives matter La Raza will be beat to death in the streets
White people will be so fed up
All these degenerate losers will
Finally be done. Democrats are screwed
After they find out how they been robbing people they and their republicunts
Operatives will be dead.

Subject: Nope...ya got that wrong

From: j40oaks
To: Albert Burneko

Nope ya got that wrong, Albert!!!!




Subject: Donald

From: oldgirlat64
To: Albert Burneko

Your piece doesnt describe the president so you MUST be describing yourself. Which we TOTALLY believe.

When this world is perfect, there wont be anymore hate-mongerers filling our media waves.

Someday, all the full-of-shit asshole SNOWFLAKES like YOU will just be a distant, faint memory.

If you cant SEE he/we are TRYING to make muslims LEAVE this country instead of just KILLING THEM ALL like MANY COUNTRIES have already done! If you cant see that, you are too BLIND to be an objective reporter.

You ARE what we call FAKE NEWS. Because you tell a news item, putting your own feelings all throughout the message. Thats NOT jounalism. Thats just your stupid, LITTLE opinion.

Why dont you go back to school and learn how to report an item HONESTLY?

As MOST so-called, self-aggrandized “REPORTERS” need to do in today’s world.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: Hate-filled media presstitute. No shortage of burneko mutts slithering around.

From: dt121825
To: Albert Burneko


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: The president

From: mkesaenzml320
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device

Get over it you wet dripping pussy! He won! And looks like he’s on his way to winning in 2020. Ha ha you fucken crybaby hater.

Subject: “F-CK YOU, LOSER!”

From: Cl .1235550
To: Albert Burneko

I only had to read the title of your POS article calling Trump the worst human being to realize and conclude that you’re a “FRUSTRATED CHUMP” and a “F-CKING” LOSER!

So, “yeah”, “F-CK YOU” IDIOT/LOSER!!!


Subject: [no subject]

From: Michael Britt
To: Albert Burneko

Eat shit

Subject: Yep, America’s Worst Human Is Still President

From: Bill Beaty
To: Albert Burneko

And America’s biggest fools are those who listen to liberals.

Subject: Your trump bullshit article.

From: Robert Gore
To: Albert Burneko

Your first two paragraphs describe YOU you fake news commie asshole.Move south of the border if you don’t like it shithead.We Patriots love our country and it’s constitution and GOD.You are a satanist scumbag with a neanderthal IQ and this country doesn’t want you!Have a shitty day moron.

Subject: You really are a dumb fuck

From: Richard Lewis
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: Your wonderful president

From: Rodney Payton
To: Albert Burneko

Just a quick reminder, Trump is YOUR president. Yes, YOUR president. Isn’t that truly amazing. Embrace good change. Embrace non-Hillary change. Embrace non-Obama change. Just think the United States could be wallowing in a dismal pile of new world mire. Instead we are Making America Great Again. As a young pup you probably don’t know what that looks like. After 8 terrible years of depressing news and facts which is the Obama legacy.

Ah breathe in....

Do you know what that is?

That smell is America becoming great again.

btw - I have no idea as to who you are, I just stumbled across some dribble you wrote on a website.


Subject: Story on September 13, 2018

From: Holly Putman
To: Albert Burneko

I just wish to send you a message of thanks this morning on September the 13th the year 2018.

It is people like you that gave me the “true and honest” view of my PREVOIUS Political Party the “DEMOCRATIC” Party. I am now a PROUD REPUBLICAN and daily others like myself “walk away” from those in the party because of dishonest people like yourself.

What you supposed journalist do with reporting things such as the article in question here shows such a dishonest and one sided and biased opinion of EVERYTHING. What President Trump said here was accurate. Those numbers are inflated, yet you choose to run with it to try and discredit this Man and attempt to sway opinion. Unlike what Hilary Clinton wanted to “Keep people Dumb” and “Keep them Poor” which is FACT....(via the Wikileaks dump) This is not true so many everyday individuals have awoke from their sleep they see it the way I finally do. You all show and prove this President Correct daily with reports such as these. You never report on the good things he says or does only things you and switch and turn and twist to make him “look” terrible to the people. The truth is it does nothing but BORES those that are your readers, and proves the rest of us correct and it serves to strengthen our resolve to show where the real lies and dishonesty and bias lies.....with people like yourself.

Do you realize you could actually become an American Hero, I don’t believe you journalists see this. The American people do stand by the man they voted into office, they do. I personally do not like all he says and there are parts of his agenda I vehemently oppose. BUT I believe and KNOW he cares about America. He is not trying to sell us up the river to the highest bidder. Many Americans do not believe in or accept nor will be apart of this current “globalization” agenda. This is Nationalism vs. globalism and yes the average American is smart enough to see this and to understand who is on which side.

If one of you journalists would just come out and really truly report on FACTS, not OPINIONS. That’s all this article was, your beliefs and your personal thoughts.

Now I will bot pretend to know your heart and what it is that motivates your writing but I would ask you sir, what’s your purpose? Do you want America to die and Fade away and become the “AMERICAN UNION” or do you want us to remain “AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE” We here in this country are all imperfect people striving to become better. To give each other the life where their Personal freedoms and liberties are fiercely protected, no matter what! Everything we all hold dear is at stake here.... I believe the average American whom is “a Democrat” are good people. They are being played by those in power in the Party. They use our feelings of love for each other against us to push their agenda. They brand speech as “bullying” because we have all been bullied in our lives and it’s horrible. They use this to deem it hate speech so they can quit others voices. Now it sounds good from one side but let’s say TRUMP DID THIS against Democrats when in comes to Christianity. I am a Christian what if I came to power and I said that anyone whom denies God are bullying Christians and that’s “Hate Speech” i mean I hate what some people say it’s horrible but I believe in their right to say it, no matter what. That’s the only way to guarantee liberty to all of us. I don’t personally believe in abortion I think it’s a sad and horrible thing BUT I would fight for someone’s right to make their own decision because it’s been the law for so many years but I believe their should be more ways and options for women to have to know exactly what an abortion really is and to know other options. Look I’m sorry I just read what you wrote and I couldn’t believe someone who had intellect and believed in respected others and loved the Constitution could feel this way. I argue that we are all imperfect. I do not believe that you have the right to go around and judge anyone else. I would not agree with anyone speaking about you in the way you are speaking about the Man that a lot of your fellow Americans voted as their President. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Use your platform in a positive way and challenge the President to assist you in the policies that you personally believe in. Be respectful and be the one who can go to the President and help make things more bipartisan because obviously the Democratic leaders will not. They care about there Seats, not what’s best for their constituents, you know those that trusted them with so much, they continue to fail those people and that’s not just a Democrat thing some Republicans are doing the same thing, sometimes worse.

But in all Sincerity, you are blessed to have a platform to speak and get others to listen. I envy you for that. I want to see SOMEONE show love, the world needs honesty and love. Anyways I pray you search your heart and your feelings and decide to use this blessing you have to bring people together not push them apart.

I challenge you to reserch and look at what this President has done, and find 3 things he’s done that you believe is good and honorable, and even though you dislike him, think of those few things before you write about this President, because half the country so half your readers stand behind this man. Please don’t make a bigger divide try and close that gap and you could literally make history. You would be doing something NO ONE IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO DO ON EITHER SIDE.

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: Latest Trump article

From: Slavik
To: Albert Burneko

How does it feel to let Trump live rent free in your head? Have you considered checking into a clinic and seeing a therapist for “Trump derangement syndrome?”

Your “articles” are so laughably bad I can’t even imagine the turmoil you must go through on a daily basis. Somehow your drivel showed up on my Google feed. Can you tell me what will you do when Trump is re elected in 2020? Will you also promise to leave the country, but then realize you won’t and claim it was a joke? I just want to see the look on your face when he’s president for another 4 years. Fuck, I’d pay good money to watch your meltdown.

Subject: Naive millennials

From: Ceme Curley
To: Albert Burneko

Obama all style no substance

Trump all substance no style

What makes the biggest difference in your life.. ability to have a job, family and friends or paying for all the dumb decisions Obama made to keep our country in low growth and watch children being killed in Syria with him not doing anything?

Obama great communicator..no leadership.

Subject: President

From: Steve Miller
To: Albert Burneko

Yeah well, you still are one of the most “useful idiots” that K Marx loves:
A true fucking ignorant, spreading propaganda.
Research it dumb fuck, you’ll be the first to go.
Any questions asshole?
Fuck off dipshit

Subject: [no subject]

From: CURT Loudermilk
To: Albert Burneko

Worst human? U r insane r just stupid. Booming economy, jobs Obamabitch declared gone forever back .Put down the pipe n get a reality check. Everybody’s doing much better except the ones that cling 2 ideology that has failed thuout history . Want 2 meet worst Americans ? Go 2 yr nearest ghetto after midnight n go 4 a walkabout. You’ll have a new outlooks. If u survive.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Kerry Cooper
To: Albert Burneko

Quit blaming some one else for your own inadaquacies. You didn’t say shit when Benghazi went down about O’Bozo. Stop trying to relive the past. There are alot of good things to report on, bit you just can’t get over the election results. Don’t be a moron all your life ....................try to change!!!!!

Subject: [no subject]

From: Roger Barkley
To: Albert Burneko

Why are yu talking about your allah obama like that. Just because it’s true you shouldn’t broadcast it.

Subject: U R A waist of Skin

From: Michael Erickson
To: Albert Burneko

You belong in a mud pit cell in Vietnam.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Timothy Blake
To: Albert Burneko

Your an assignment.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Rick Hadley
To: Albert Burneko

Your an Ass without facts.

Subject: I guess you think Obama was the best thing since the slice of bread. You Democrats are sick people!!!!

From: Phipps Mopar
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone


From: Joanne Hamilton
To: Albert Burneko


Sent from my Verizon LG Smartphone

Subject: Your article

From: Ruth Haught
To: Albert Burneko

You really need to listen more to the truth. President Trump is doing a great job for America. It’s idiots like you that are the worst people in America! You CNN ABC CBS your all liars!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: You’re an idiot.

From: Kevin Kelly
To: Albert Burneko


Are you going to ignore the fact that the Mayor of San Juan went on TV, saying that people were dying in the streets, while standing next to a pallet full of supplies? FEMA was there, as soon as they could, safely. The problems were generated by the local truckers union and the local government. One refused to transport the supplies to where they were needed, the other was inept.

Also, why is there a field of water tarped over that hides millions of water bottles to this day? Why were there several non perishable foods disposed of in dumpsters?

I agree with President Trump. The death toll numbers have been unfairly inflated, due to the incompetence of the issues in Puerto Rico. The infrastructure of Puerto Rico was an issue before the hurricanes of Irma and Maria. Even with the assistance of FEMA on the ground in Puerto Rico, PR couldn’t get it done.

Do your research before printing garbage that people actually read!

Kevin Kelly

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: President Trump

From: Pat Newberry
To: Albert Burneko

I have major news for you motor mouth!! Whether you crazy liberals admit it or not, the majority of the citizens of the United States love our wonderful President Donald Trump!! You are a bunch of petty cry babies who are still in shock because ugly, evil Hilary get her fat fanny whipped big time in the election. Tuck your tail between your knees and move to a nice socialistic country, which is exactly what you deserve. TRUMP will again be your President in 2020!!!

Subject: [no subject]

From: Chill H
To: Albert Burneko

Your letter was full of hate. Uninformed people like you are what’s dividing this country stand up for your president stand up your country be a man. One attack after another for no reason you should be ashamed of yourself . You’re obviously a fan of The View

Subject: Your like all who can’t stand to see Trump in the white house liar after liar why do you move to California with the other ass holes

From: rickyeasterday

To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Boost Mobile Phone.

Subject: Spreading hatred and lies

From: scmstephans
To: Albert Burneko

Stop polluting people’s minds with hatred and lies. A real journalist wouldn’t published this crap. Get a real life.

Sent from my Samsung GALAXY S5™, a Cricket 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: Trump

From: Paul Roe
To: Albert Burneko

Why are you the way you are? You and the rest of you small amount of people who hate Trump so much. Always saying something from your mouths like you guys just want to hear yourself talk. Grow up! This is why America is, because people like you, Which is a small number! Go Trump!!

Subject: You are America’s Biggest Idiot.

From: D Alderson
To: Albert Burneko

Congratulations! I will be nominating you for the Biggest Idiot in America. I believe you are now the front runner! Congratulations again.

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Lori Flynn
To: Albert Burneko

You suck.

Subject: Learn To Write

From: PD
To: Albert Burneko

Re your article against Trump...you are such a moron! Get over the fact that the anti-American, Halloween-commie-hippie movement lost. Suck it up and report the truth, such as how well the economy is doing. Moron!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: If you don’t like him why not leave the country you p.o.s

From: tommyboy
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: Bob Hofer
To: Albert Burneko

You are a Asshole.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Bob Crothers
To: Albert Burneko

Those retard males in pr.should take care of themselves. Puerto Rico is just a welfare island. Yrump did more then I would have done.
The more u help them the more dependant they will become..
Males of Puerto Rico have no respect.for themselves .
My people never ask for help.
3rd world adaption..
Long live trump...

Subject: Go fuck yourself ...you’re nothing but a cowardly hack

From: jmurer77
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8+.

Subject: Trump

From: Nancy Zelonka
To: Albert Burneko

How do I keep your hateful, stupid comments popping up on my Google feed. It’s getting really old, even if I did or didn’t vote for the man he is the president of the United States, show some respect. So again how do I get rid of your opinions??

Subject: Re: diatribe on Trump

From: Karen Brougham
To: Albert Burneko

Your column on PRES TRUMP was putrid. I would expect a bit more “adultness” from a professed serious writer. You sound like a talking head for the unhinged Michael Moore lunatic followers. Disgusting yellow journalism from a very “disturbed” human (I use the word human under protest).

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Lmao

From: Chris Linnen
To: Albert Burneko

Shit like this is why Trump will win again. You biased “journalists” are truly pathetic.

Also, deadspin. LMFAO

Subject: Ha

From: blumenberg3070
To: Albert Burneko

Hey dumbass Hillary Clinton is not president

Sent from my Sprint Phone.

Subject: Worst person

From: Melinda Cormier
To: Albert Burneko

if you’re against him when you wrote this article then you’re the worst person United States for writing it wanting to break up the country you must agree with all those violent liberals once you get a real job.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko

Why dont u shut ur damn mouth.Communist pig. Dont like thi gs here in Ameria ? Move.You r not even human. Secret Service coming your way.

Subject: Truth

From: James Morgan
To: Albert Burneko

Your latest rant is not even worthy of the ink.

Journalist no longer have any integrity, they just print garbage. Do you not have any professional responsibility.

President Trump is doing an excellent job for this country. The big problem that we have is lack of truth in the media and a negative bias against conservative principles.

Move to Venezuela, you would fit in well you worthless piece of shit.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

From: Albert Burneko
To: James Morgan


From: James Morgan
To: Albert Burneko

Your right, your worthless rag probably does not use any “ink” Which is a good thing because it would be a terrible waste.

Apparently you agree with the fact that your Journalism is lacking truth and integrity.

I suppose you support Hillary and neglect the fact that there is no doubt she should be in prison.

Yet you rip on Trump, get a freaking life preferably in some other country.

Subject: TDS

From: Bob Reardon
To: Albert Burneko

Hater. You’re what’s wrong with this country.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Subject: [no subject]

From: Michael Jurgenson
To: Albert Burneko

I am 49 years old, have always been a democrat. I did NOT vote for Trump. Currently I am a Trump supporter, one readon is for people like you writting unsubstantiated claims, claoms that tell part of the truth, claims that are twisted to support the agenda of the left. In fairness both sides do this; although I believe the left goes too far. Remember I have been a democrat my whole life, the web of lies disgusts me. Whether you support Trump or not, you and the rest of the liberals need to come togeather and support him as our President, leagally beat him in the next election, but support him now for the good of the country. Dont be so close minded and brainwashed. Step back and do the ptopper research. God Bless you, and God Bless our country.......

Subject: Be unbiased in your journalism. It will attract more readers.

From: Andrew Murdock
To: Albert Burneko

True reporting comes from chatting unbiased facts and letting the reader interpret the meaning from there. I will not state my political views, however I will now block your site because you force feed your opinion in your articles. State the facts. If hes a pig, the facts will show that. If the facts dont show it, dont shove a narrow minded opinion down thousands of readers throats. Got alienated a lot of potential readers because of this. Its bad journalism

Subject: Your column

From: twjclcx2
To: Albert Burneko

Who the Hell do you think you are? Knock off the BS Swamp propaganda.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S® 5 ACTIVE™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Deb-D Young
To: Albert Burneko

You fail as a reporter.

Subject: You are obviously a liberal left asshole

From: Jon Armour
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: Mike Stocki
To: Albert Burneko

You a one sorry asshole that can’t find something to write about other than our President who is trying to help America.

Get Outlook for Android

Subject: Trump?

From: Daniel Wasserman
To: tips@deadspin.com

Why are y’all tweeting about Trump? The last thing I need for my sports feeds is more political bullshit.


From: Samer Kalaf
To: Daniel Wasserman, tips

Daniel...please... don’t go... we need you

From: Daniel Wasserman
To: Samer Kalaf, tips

Lol you’re classy,

Thanks for the Reddit food.

From: Daniel Wasserman
To: Samer Kalaf, tips

Yeah, it’s just me.... No reason to listen to your followers right?

Do ya’ll think you’re some kind of media new organization? I’m not even a trump supporter I just don’t want political bullshit in my sports news feed.

[a bunch of screenshots of people performatively unfollowing Deadspin on Twitter]

From: Samer Kalaf
To: Daniel Wasserman, tips

I thought you already said bye. Why are you still here? You have to go away for us to miss you, Daniel

Subject: U suck

From: Connie’s Quality Painting

To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: [no subject]

From: pdaro33
To: Albert Burneko

Your an idiot! Respect the office of the presidency just like we did when OBama was the president and a massive failure. . You arrogant fool.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: Your article about Donald Teump

From: Gonzalo Barraza
To: Albert Burneko

I am certain that all the bad words you call president Teump represent YOU. You are really and literally crazy and pritry stupid.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Your reporting

From: Harold Kempka
To: Albert Burneko

Im sorry to inform you sir, but your biased reporting really makes you look like a dumbass. In fact, all things considered, you are nothing more than a pimple on a good reporter’s ass. I suggest you try writing children’s books with no facts and all fantasy

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Trump Article

From: Canton Boxing Gym
To: Albert Burneko


It’s crazy....This president has completely disrespected the media, antagonized his opposition; politicians, celebrities and civilians alike. Just like he said he was going to do [three smiley emoji] Sorry you liberals are all upset, try getting an abortion maybe you’ll feel better. I better get back to work (the economy is at full employment) have fun writing fake news ya clown.

Subject: Asshole you are

From: Sonny Lawson
To: Albert Burneko

You are a minority piece of shit. The majority love him because hes doing what we hired him to do. Make stupid fucks like you miserable and he needs a raise for the job he has done. Keep up the good work Mr. PRESIDENT because we need you for 4 more yrs.



Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Albert Burneko
To: Sonny Lawson

Lol he didn’t even get the most votes you horse’s ass

From: Sonny Lawson
To: Albert Burneko

Because dead people didnt vote for him like they did Billary. He gets overflowing crowds everywhere he goes. Ive meet the man and hes a good man. The last president we had was all about giving worthless ass people money to sit home on their lazy asses.This man has jobs for everyone who is willing to earn a living. Embrace the future and quit trying to go back to hand outs for lazy people days.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Albert Burneko
To: Sonny Lawson

Haha hey Sonny remember when like 150 people showed up to his sad-ass empty inauguration and he spent the next year loading up his diaper over it, those were good times

From: Sonny Lawson
To: Albert Burneko

Those days are gone for good. Trump 2020

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko

I think that the awfully horrible human being you are referring to in your article is not the President, but yourself. Just because the forum of the internet allows you to use such trashy language, it doesn’t mean you should. Clean up your act and maybe more people will listen to you.

[CB][phone number]

Thank you for using Picture and Video Messaging by U.S. Cellular. See www.uscellular.com for info.

Subject: Trump ...you Albert ass need a mental hospital ....

From: Cynthia Hagenmayer
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from myPad i

Subject: [no subject]

From: Clancy
To: Albert Burneko

I watched the interview on CBS this morning, where the gentleman from Puerto Rico was bashing the President and FEMA for now doing enough for the country. Here is my question ? Puerto Rico is a possession of the US, with all the benefits of a state but they can’t and don’t pay income taxes, yet they can vote. It’s a bunch of crap.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid

From: Albert Burneko
To: Clancy

Yeah they also don’t get representation in Congress. You may remember something about the American Revolutionary War starting over the principle that people who do not have representation in government should not have to pay taxes to that government.

Subject: Idiot

From: Mary P
To: Albert Burneko

Keep spreading the hate, & then try to be righteous.

One more arrogant “writer” talking shit about the President. And then be shocked why he can’t stand any of you ppl.

Subject: None

From: Richard Maas
To: Albert Burneko

There,is no subject that would catorgise a human like you other than stink.

Subject: Fuck you

From: wesker480
To: Albert Burneko

People like you are the worst. Deadspin, it will be great when you are dead.

Subject: TipFrom: Sandy Henderson
To: tips@deadspin.com

Yes here is a tip. Stop spewing hate and garbage. You do nothing but complain and spew hate in your writings. Who would want to continue reading such trash. This is not journalism but sounds like a bunch of childish tantrums and hurt feelings. So sad that journalism has become just trash. Hey here is an idea, why not try to write something positive about things that have happened. There are so many positive things and you choose to ignore, you are so consumed with hate. You all must be a delight of people to be around.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Barry Petchesky
To: Sandy Henderson, tips

Sandy, you’re right! So here’s something positive: Donald Trump is going to die on the toilet, his heart is going to give out from pooping too hard. It’s gonna be hilarious.

Subject: Puerto Rico

From: toolescarlett
To: Albert Burneko

Supplies donated or sent to Puerto Rico were found rottening also the government of Puerto Rico did not respond in getting supplies to their People that was on the news and facebook not to long ago and their communications were poor that had nothing to do with President Trump or the United States government That is the fault of the government of Puerto Rico We cant baby sit everybody

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: You damn socialists are killing America.

From: Neal Nealis
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my iPhone

From: Albert Burneko
To: Neal Nealis

Neal, thanks for the email. It’s really fascinating to me that even with the Republican party in control of all three branches of the federal government and the majority of the states—even with conservative men having held the reins of power for virtually the whole of American history—the popular conservative analysis still seems to be that everything wrong with the country is the fault of socialists/liberals/Democrats/minorities/gays/radical feminists/whoever. This is such a pervasive view that the President of the United States himself, holder of the most powerful office in the nation, often espouses it! It’s very bizarre. I think there’s a lot out there still to be learned about why conservatives cling so tightly to the fantasy of being aggrieved and persecuted.

Anyway, I hope the rest of your week goes okay. And I hope Donald Trump dies on the toilet.

Take care.


Subject: [no subject]

From: Cody Dollar
To: Albert Burneko

If I ever get the pleasure to see you or come within a foot of you..I am gonna beat you so bad ,gona break your hands till you cannot type write any more of your lies about President Trump, we boys in Las Vegas around the casinos don’t play.. promise is a promise. ......think I’m kidding good I hate media and I hate you Albert, I will make it a prose to you to see you. Think this is empty msg...NAW I keep my promises.. Honorable Judge Cody Lee Dollar

Subject: You’re article on Pres: Trump

From: Trevor Rawlinson
To: Albert Burneko

Where the hell do you get off posting such hateful banter about President Trump?

You are a the one that is, and I quote you: insanely awful. Like probably most other people, I wear it around at all times, like a sodden and rotting wool sweater, scratchy at my neck and damp in my armpits and always, always, inescapably reeking.

What makes you think you’re any better?

the only reason assholes like you talk bad about Trump is because he’s not doing exactly what you want him to do.

Trump has done more for this country than that degenerate ignorant Muslim that was in office before him, or just about any president has since Truman.

You fucking jerk.

go ahead and write your little response to me but what you say doesn’t hurt me it’ll just piss me off and if you want to post what I just wrote to you on your little piece of shit article go right ahead.

Subject: Poor excuse for an American.

From: Christy Futch
To: Albert Burneko

First off, I’m not your f@cking pal. With that being said, you are an extremely poor excuse for an American. How dare you bash the POTUS?! Whether you like him or not, he’s still your President and deserves your respect. I saluted that piece of sh@t that preceded President Trump just because he was President and you should do the same now. I’m appalled, not only at your very existence, but your lack of patriotism as a whole. You sicken me.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Pamela Coston
To: Albert Burneko

You my friend are a deranged person that had no idea what’s going on in OUR COUNTRY. God bless the USA

Subject: Trump

From: Jeff Sanders
To: Albert Burneko

So sorry for you. Youut be a blmg deaf dumb progressive...proud to be making progress destroying America and Godly values. Whatever we don’t like about this man’s personality (I would not want to spend a full hour in the same room with him) but we don’t/shouldn’t be voting for a personality but rather an agenda and God has given us at least a 4year reprieve from the communist agenda of the Obamanator . There is a cure for your condition I hope you can be man enough to receive it. And by the way Puerto Rico is a very very corrupt Place who severely ignored the needs of their electrical grid that was just and they just discovered someone had apparently stolen and buried over a hundred thousand bottles of water and it’s just a terrible place that they haven’t taken care of themselves it’s not our obligation to do so if it didn’t turn out perfectly hey we did what we could and I know they don’t appreciate it that the lying governor they have. I know people that have been to Puerto Rico who are Puerto Rican they say about the aide they receive that somebody’s peeling it off the top. Hope you get smart. Life can be tough on a fool especially a lying fool.

Subject: Your insanity Alberto

From: Timothy Hartman
To: Albert Burneko

More false news you twist to suit the narrative, the left elite agenda.
It’s obvious in the tone of your content, your carping criticism, your disrespect.

Your disregard, non-reporting of the potus,
[his many accomplishments]
puts you right in the limelight of the Suppressive elements that want to take down this country.

Your withholding the facts, the truth of the latter is evidence that you Albert are part of the system.

You sold your soul to to the suppressives.
They love you.

President Trump Is Succeeding and will continue to do so.
Your choice to disparage yourself, your very honesty and your integrity is a dishonor to the greatest good of the peoples.
Instead you knowingly cater to the extreme left, and to the public who are programmed naieve.

Advice... Find something to write about that you can be honest and truthful of.
Because you’re not good at or for what you are doing here.

You and all your cohorts cannot succeed with your hatred and lies.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Andy
To: Albert Burneko

Hello Mr Burneko,

I was wondering if anybody has informed you that you may be a reactionist idiot? If not, please allow me that pleasure. Thanks!

Subject: Yea moron osbama was the worse president of all time....keep talkin moron we’ll get jobs and have agreat economy. You dummy

From: rhstaff322
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android Device

Subject: I am disgusted

From: mkfeuerstak
To: Albert Burneko

Your article is horrible. You and the fake news media are a disgrace to our nation. You are the problem.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: God Loves You

From: mq188
To: Albert Burneko

Hate is a awful thing! Pray to God to heal you. Anyone who writes such a article as you is very, very sick!!

Subject: The enclosed article written by you regarding our president number one you and your kind are disgusting. He is a wonderful human being as is the rest of his family. You ignore the fact that we had a despicable person in office for 8 years and we have to put up with that. Show called journalist and television personalities are constantly showing themselves as racist and race baiters. Talk about disgusting human beings you all fit that bill perfectly.

From: Barbara Fatica
To: Albert Burneko


Subject: [no subject]

From: 17donhol
To: Albert Burneko


Get used to it because hes GOING to be re elected in 2020...
You liberals make me sick...
Keep ignoring what Obama and Hillary did and they are still trying to destroy Trump ..
Not happening...

Just knowing how much pain u are in seeing trump succeed brings much joy to my heart... 6 more years LOSER !!!!

Don Hollie

Subject: [no subject]

From: Karen Zimmerman
To: Albert Burneko

How dare you speak about anyone like you have and least of all the President of the. United States. Take a look at yourself in the mirror and keep telling yourself how wonderful you are. Why don’t you leave this great country if you have nothing good to say. SHUT UP

Subject: [no subject]

From: Ron Shamblin
To: tips@deadspin.com

Here is a tip. Your publication is garbage

From: Albert Burneko
To: Ron Shamblin, tips

Can somebody report this out?

Subject: [no subject]

From: lmorrell
To: Albert Burneko

What amazes me is “zero accomplishment, fake news bafoons” like you even have a job !.....no wonder you’re part of something called Deadspin..... you’re ideas are dead on arrival spinning a bunch of lies about the best president we’ve had in the last 50 years and a huge part of our population believes you because they’re Clueless

Subject: [no subject]

From: Lisa Franklin
To: Albert Burneko

why are you people allowed to spew your rhetoric? who do you think cares what you have to say? who are you anyway?

Subject: Pathetic


From: Thomas Crowley
To: Albert Burneko

Omg will you shut up and go die already? All you fucking libtards do is whine about the POTUS. Why? Because unemployment is at an all time low? Is it because hes trying to protect us from third world migrants who have no idea what laws are? Is it because hes trying to make sure we dont get shafted in trade?

Your a pathetic fucking looser. Seriously too. I hope your mother, sister and wife all get rapped by an illegal from Guatemala in front of you.

Subject: Trump article

From: lwradio
To: Albert Burneko

I have read articles that make less sense than yours, but I can’t remember when. Take the money you make and go get an education.

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko

You are a fruitcake who cares nothing about America. The drugs are killing our youth. Many are not documented and yes I have a social security card. Do you? This great President wants a America that doesn’t include drugs killing our youth, gang violence in our streets. There is not ONE city you can safely walk the streets at night. Jobs...previous administration’s (Bill Clinton) gave all of the manufacturing jobs to other countries forgetting the hard working Americans that needed those jobs to feed their families. Hillary and Obama sold uranium to Iran and they hate Americans. What part of this great President do you not like? The fact everyone needs to be identified, wants to rid our streets of drugs to make them safe again, the fact we have jobs and they are plentiful. Obama had 8 years and all he did was destroy health care for the people who work. Yes, allow

foreign countries to control the United States and leave future generations NOTHING is that what you nuts want? REALLY? I surly pray you have no children because people like yourself will do nothing but destroy the chance our President is giving America to get on track...I pray for you and those like you.

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Subject: [no subject]

From: Kevin Wilhelm
To: Albert Burneko

How. Many time has that number changed. He did not say people didn’t suffer or still suffer today .His point was that democrats will do any thing to get more people to vote for them. If u want to look at numners look at all tje food that sit there and rotted or the hundreds of thousands of cases of water tjat is still sitting at the airport. America sent aide and the government tjere played politics and didnt distribute what was sent there. The government there is waste there is worse than here. I dont agree with all that Trumps says but the economy is booms today an. It seems that no matter what trump says or does is never good enough. All I’ve heard is doom and gloom since he became president and none of it has come true. Both parties are pissed because he has thrown a wrench in the gears of the machine that has screwed the citizens for 50 years . so let’s see what happens

Subject: Worst human still President

From: Wayne Thurman
To: Albert Burneko

Albert give me a break from your political diatribe.

The worst human being isn’t still president! Obama was pitiful, he said he would lower the cost of healthcare and make it better, he did neither. His Obamacare Website production ended up costing the American public 2.1 billion dollars to complete with at least $640 million outsourced to Canadian development at a time when the U.S. economy was stagnant, the market for a comparable Website at the time was approximately $1 million. The Obama administration failed miserably with Benghazi and it sold 1/5 of our uranium supply to Rosatom, a Russian controlled company. Obama could read a teleprompter well and that was about the extent of his community organizer skill set. Oh yeah, for a guy who was so concerned about others leaving a carbon footprint, he sure did not mind leaving one himself as he spent over 100 million dollars on the taxpayers’ backs for his vacations over his 8 year tenure. You do not like Trump; boo hoo hoo! I could not srand Obama! LBJ and Clinton were probably of less character than a dozen Trumps!

Subject: Forgot to mention...

From: Wayne Thurman
To: Albert Burneko

....that the country was $7 trillion in debt when Obama took office and $20 trillion when he left. I guess by your marxist reasoning such would be a good thing; but by people not living in a fantasy utopia world, it would not be. I am amazed how little understanding of the word fascism the American people possess. Fascism, which I am sure you know, is basically when businesses are privately owned but are controlled by government, a method used often by Hitler and his Nazi following. The liberal press has continued to use the term fascist to describe Trump when in reality it was Obama who showed such inclinations when he forced the elimination of General Motors management because he thought their compensation was too great. Amazing he never worried about how much the government subsidized professional sports people, who were far less accomplished, were being paid. Obama was the fascist and Trump the free enterprise person. No, I do not think liberals are more moral or compassionate, no matter how sanctimoniously they may pretend.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Kentrell White
To: Albert Burneko

Hello Albert,

I’m going to make this as quick and to the point as possible. What is you and the left’s problem with President Trump? The false claims from your articles are very misleading to some people who aren’t aware of certain topics such as this one. To call Donald Trump the worst president ever is far from fact, let alone to call him the worst human being?! Where do you get off by saying such things?

I want to know what has he or his supporters done to receive the amount of hate and discrimination the left are giving him? How is he the worse human being, if his administration has been responsible for the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans in American history and being responsible for our economy doing well? Probably the best it’s ever been. Why isn’t this being put out to the public eye? If you even deny for a second that the left has been trying to make President Trump look like a maniacal man, then something is wrong with you. But yeah, I wanted to get that off my chest because reporting that he’s the worst human being is a huge reach. I thought being a publicist meant supporting your claims with concrete evidence? Get a grip.

Give me 5 reasons why he’s a terrible president let alone as a person? I’ll wait....


Subject: Trump

From: parisey1
To: Albert Burneko

The so-called 3000 Deaths were by a computer generated count there was no physical proof of that they did it by generating numbers of death between a certain period of year. Stop bashing Trump. all he is trying to do is help this country. His personality may need help yes but what he’s doing for the country is for the good of all of us. Otherwise we’re looking at socialism which does not work.

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device

Subject: President Trump

From: Terry Moran
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my iPad

There will NEVER be a president as bad as obama. Get over it and own it people.

Subject: Trump

From: Angela Crosthwaite
To: Albert Burneko

What makes you better then him. Take a look at yourself. If he is bad then we need more. Just how great could the USA be if we help him.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Benderoooo7 Spike
To: Albert Burneko

Hey Albert quit talking about yourself Donald Trump is the best president this countries had since Ronald Reagan Andrew Jackson Abraham Lincoln but I’m sure you hated them to because you’re just a stupid brain dead liberal

Subject: [no subject]

From: Mickey Shirey

To: Albert Burneko

What I can’t believe is that you get paid for your worthless opiinions!!! Who do you think you are? You sound very stupid .

Subject: [no subject]

From: fubulicious29
To: Albert Burneko

You are insanely awful!!! He is a great President and person. We are sick of the media constantly lying and misrepresenting this President!

Take your hate someplace else and wise up.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: Trump

From: Bo Sherman
To: Albert Burneko

How do you know he’s not telling the truth about Puerto Rico? Have you done any investigation on your own? Why would he lie? Your not old enough to appreciate what this guy has done since he took office. Every press organization in America is against him. How’s your life changed for the worse since he took over? As far as PR goes there’s so much corruption there I guarantee you there’s no where even close to that many deaths. I’m flip flopping here but I’m so tired of you millennials who know nothing about real life and your just spewing liberal bullshit that you were probably taught at a liberal college by a professor who hangs with kids all day and who can’t hack it in the real world.

Trump has done amazing since being voted in. Look at the stock market, unemployment rates. He’s opened up manufacturing plants that have been closed 20 years. You writers continue to make shit up. You know what I love? No matter how hard you piss poor liberal writers try to bring him down his stock rises. Enjoy the next 6 years

Sent from my iPad

Subject: Trump

From: Jacko
To: tips@deadspin.com

Albert is a left wing busy body.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Albert Burneko
To: Jacko, tips

Hm, checks out

Subject: [no subject]

From: John Cree
To: Albert Burneko

Well Albert burneko you suck. You are a piece of shit that talks shit about a great president. You have no proof of what he has or hasn’t done. If you look at the economy everything is running well. if you write another article like this again I will come down on you like you’ll never know what hit you. Please do not trash our president again or else.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Joshua Johnston
To: Albert Burneko

I hate your article about the President.

Subject: https://theconcourse.deadspin.com/yep-americas-worst-human-is-still-president-1829025053

From: Donald
To: Albert Burneko

If that is passes for journalism, you are hopelessly delusional.
No re

al information, just an anti Trump rant. Who pays you for this bullshit? I can skribble together some meaningless garbage, I want a check too.

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: Trump

From: David Karecki
To: Albert Burneko

Trump may be immature and loose with his words but he’s done a FUCK of alot more than nObama did.

I lay pipe line for the oil companies across the country and for the first time in 25 years at this job my pipes say made in the USA and NOT in China.

Subject: You’re obviously retarded.

From: RedRum OnE
To: Albert Burneko

I’m sorry your rage has retarded you so much that you have no idea what to report on. You must really be grasping at straws with headlines about bagels and acknowledging the president is still the president. Honestly I’m practically homeless and I could do better stories than you. Go back to school and learn how to be a journalist. Maybe stop being so goddamn conceited and write a story that doesn’t revolve around your opinions. Try to enlighten people instead of whining like a little bitch.

Subject: [no subject]

From: revealingphotons
To: Albert Burneko

I love the way Donald Trump makes liberals like you whine, bitch and complain constantly. Obama and his apologize for America and treat crimals and illegal aliens better than police and hardworking law abiding citizens was not enough for you. You wanted Hillary who would have flooded our country with yet more needy illegal aliens and refugees that tax payers have to pay for or better yet Bernie who would have moved us toward socialism, a contstantly failing system eg venezuela, rather than the incredibly prosperous economy DT is responsible for ( low unemployment rate, red hot stock market, median income above 61k etc...). Have a great day and maybe get a real job instead of writing shitty articles for a living.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Subject: Racist POS

From: simperfi2
To: Albert Burneko


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Ethan Haines
To: Albert Burneko

You’re a fucking scumbag. If you want to write something with some meaning, then you need to point out that all politicians are completely useless and absolutely do not have our best interests in mind. Try pointing out how they are poisoning our food, water, and air. I honestly don’t believe you can not will you because you are programmed to believe complete and utter bullshit. Your dumbass self probably still believes that you vote counts. I can’t stand the fact that people like you have a great platform to wake people up but you choose to use it to write dumbass articles about one dumbass politician instead of doing the right thing for humanity and writing articles highlighting the evil they all are involved in.

Subject: Who’s Petty?

From: Matt Isgrig
To: Albert Burneko

Aren’t you a worse human than Trump if you believe in abortion, though? I mean, that’s 54 million dead and counting (since 1973) that you support right there. So....

Also, owning a small business makes you a petty dictator? Well, whatever, in a perfect world run by YOU, I guess.


Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S® 6, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Subject: Deleting Deadspin

From: ussurveyor
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Robert Jordan
To: Albert Burneko

Get a (substanible) clue.
You goof

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko


Subject: Red Wave Coming 2018...

From: Jeff Makar
To: Albert Burneko

TRUMP 2020

Subject: What an idiot...

From: groundedeagle02
To: Albert Burneko

If there was an award for being an idiot... you should be at the top of the list to receive it !!! I know your article about Trump and the alleged deaths in P.R was just to get your little 5 mins in the spotlight... but what a sad, pathetic way to do so....

I wonder why you didn’t cover anything about all the bottled water just discovered in P.R that was actually delivered but the local government stashed from its own people... and claimed they were not getting any help ???

What a true moron you are...

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Kevin Mumford
To: Albert Burneko

Why don’t you people quit wasting tax dollars crying about Trump and pull together and stop killing america. I have never seen this many crybabies located in one place. Bunch of pussies need to accept the fact America wanted him and not your murdering backstabbing dirty dealing treasonist you wanted in office. America is tired of the lies backstabbing dirty dealing you babies are doing drain the swamp. Political office was not ment to be a get rich position. Stop filling your pocket and do the job you were hired to do. Or leave the office. Capitol hill is full of nothing but and bunch of dirty dealing criminals

Subject: You are un American!

From: bdurb
To: Albert Burneko

You are un American.

You seem to also be a bigot.
You are not happy your President Obama could not run for another term.
So Sick of these types of storys by people like you.
Go live somewhere else. PLEASE.
Sincerley, Greatful our American economy is Great Again.

Sent from my MetroPCS 4G LTE Android device

Subject: Trump

From: dianesky user
To: Albert Burneko

While I support your right to speak your opinion, I have one too ; You have shit for brains. We finally have a president who puts this country first. Someone who went into office solely to better this place that liberal garbage has been trying to flush down the toilet. An eloquent speaker he is not. A great leader for Americans, yes.

Subject: Keep your ignorance to yourself, you yahoo.

From: cnorwood
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: You’re a sad piece of shit

From: Diane Hick
To: Albert Burneko

Hate Trump??? LEAVE AMERICA!!!!!! Why do you even stay here reaping the many benefits of being an American citizen if you’re so discouraged? I for one am enjoying seeing banking institutions show a far greater interest rate than what goon-ass obama EVER showed in those disastrous 8 years we suffered under. So, you’re only option is LEAVE!!! this country. Donald Trump IS your President like it or not—-and get ready for another 4 years. These moronic liberal Democrats don’t have now, nor will have then, anyone qualified to run against the winner in ‘20!! Hate hearing it???? LEAVE!!! You’re probably nothing more than a unintelligent moron who adored the idiot finally OUT of the White House. Thank God he and that taxpayer spending wife of his are out!!! GO TRUMP and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! In the meantime, don’t let America’s door hit you in the ass when you leave this country. Take your pacifier and LEAVE!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: Our President...

From: Glen Chriss
To: Albert Burneko

Get Outlook for Android
Make America great again !he will be the best president ever !!
President Trump is the man for the job.
We the people don’t care about your lies !!!!
I m glad the Obama shit is done !!!!

Subject: Trump 2020

From: Anthony Quintal
To: Albert Burneko

What makes u so special fucktard. Trump 2020

Subject: Your a sorry american

From: potted.arrangements4u
To: Albert Burneko

How does a person like you get up every morning and think that they are the shit? Your rude and if you want to know anything about the worst person on earth Look In The Mirror. Dead spin is a perfect name for what you write ,keep up the crappy journalism it looks good on you.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A

Subject: You’re a scumbag

From: R Vert
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Vile libs

From: Mike Piccone
To: Albert Burneko

Too bad you cupcake pussy of a man...libs are disgusting, vile pieces of lying shit. Tough shit you dont like someone talking back to u cowardly gutless fucks...

Gutless leftist asshole

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7 edge.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Ed Valenti
To: Albert Burneko

What an asshole! Try mcdonalds instead of writing...Think you”ll be better suited

Subject: Trump artical offensive, to all including those thatdiec

From: Roy Sands
To: Albert Burneko

Dead use your skills if you have any elsewhere

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: David Beckner
To: Albert Burneko

im so sick of you pussy whiney ass bitches cryong about Trump . You Barry was a curupt piece of shit sorros troll. But you know concervitives got over it .they just ignored the communist little fucker . went about life . not you pussy ass little faggets you gotta wet your pantys everyday . go get a fucking life .


From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko


Subject: Trump

From: James Hall
To: Albert Burneko

You don’t have a clue what’s going on, or else you are part of the deep state that is working to stop Trump’s bringing out the truth. But to each his own. I see you as the problem, not the cure. You probably believe 19 Muslims with box cutters took down the most powerful country on the planet too....lol. Those are the people Trump will take down. Not the Muslims, but the Americans who actually did it. That’s part of the full on assault to stop him. But the deep state has ass clowns like you writing bullshit to sway the sheep. Good job asshole, help the slime balls.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Trump

From: John Pociask
To: Albert Burneko

Nobody cares what you think, prefer Hillary??

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Trump

From: Steve Baeckelandt
To: Albert Burneko

Trump continues to make America great. I laugh at you liberal morons who are so unhinged about President Trump. Too bad your pant suit lesbo lost the election. Time to get over it and move on. Or don’t move on and continue to melt down. Either way, Trump will have rent free space in your head for 6 more years! LMAO!

Subject: [no subject]

From: Thomas Inman
To: Albert Burneko

Are you a complete idiot or do you come from a long line of family idiots? You don’t have a clue what your talking about.

Subject: Trump

From: Edward Walti
To: Albert Burneko

Did you write that article about President Trump’s? If you did, your lower than an ants pecker! Why do you people constantly try to bring Trump into the mud? Why?

Subject: [no subject]

From: Elka Harms
To: Albert Burneko

Why is your hate filled garbage still allowed on any social media forum? It’s so called “writers” like you that fuel the division in this country. “Deadspin”, seems fitting.

Subject: [no subject]

From: G McCall
To: Albert Burneko

You are a disgusting liberal Trump hater and I will not even read your despicable bull shit.


Subject: [no subject]

From: raidersnusc
To: Albert Burneko

America’s worst humans are idiots like you. You liberal snowflak

From: Dave Kipple
To: Albert Burneko

Opinions are like ass holes. Every one has one and they usually stink. Please keep your pants up. No one wants to seees are clueless about reality. If you idiots wouldn’t lie so much president Trump wouldn’t have to f****** counteract your dumb s***. Sheeple......baaaaa baaaaa

Subject: [no subject]

your ass hole.

Subject: Fuck you

From: James Sprague
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my Sprint Phone.


Subject: Trump

From: Annae’
To: Albert Burneko

U know nothing of what fake news spouts out of it’s MOUTH. TRUMP IS A GENIUS IN BUSINESS AND ALL THE THINGS he has done in Executive orders has helped our Country. Obama wasted 8 yrs of our lives in politics. Chicken liver punk, never did a dang thing for us and our Country....NOTHING, NOTHING, AND IS ISLAMIC, THE WORST PEOPLE IN LIFE, IN LIFE. NOW HE had poop for brains!!!! Not smart at at at allllllll. !!!!!! U do not know a thing about politics. Nothing???? It takes yrs of studying to understand it. How old r u ?? U r just spouting off, ur emotions, with no background? Trump was put in office by God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, before Killary was going to roll heads with head choppers. She is EVIL AS THE DEVIL HIMSELF. WHAT A DEAD ASS DAUGHTER, OF THE DEVIL!!!!. OOOOOOOEEEEEE

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: [no subject]

From: ERiggs
To: Albert Burneko

Dude.. You need to start thinking for yourself bro. Don’t drink the Liberal Coolaid man..
Pretty brainless to judge someone on their character based off of the same ol 5000 year old made up tactics to undermine someone when All That Matters Is Their Results for THAT NATION they represent. Jobs up, Economy up, Personal Confidence n Hope up, Unemployment down, Foreign Relations on the Right Track, on&on.
Our personal safety n future is Greater with someone like Trump, THAN ITS EVER BEEN, who’s NOT a Brainwashing Politician Doing and Saying ANYTHING TO HOLD ON TO HIS MONEY& POWER while people continue to LOOSE POWER OVER THOSE WHO SHOULD BE GOVERNING THEM...
And he’s honestly trying to put the power back into the People’s hands.
**Ever notice how Both Sides of the Government come against him..??? hmmm...
I don’t like him a Whole lot but he’s for the People, not Government & Cronies, Talks strait forward not out of the side of his neck like past Pres’, and doing what Other Presidents WOULD NOT... ***STAND FOR US***
I can See With my own eyes..He Cares

Subject: Your sick

From: Lorraine DeDonato
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Jeff Stackhouse
To: Albert Burneko

Every thing you just said about Donald Trump is a succinct description of yourself...Your mind has been made so simple from the media brainwashing.. Your college professors are stoking the fires of communist propaganda...You’re setting yourself up for the new world order. Look it up..do some research ...you sound smart enough to not be a follower.. Do yourself a favor and read the Declaration of Independence and then ,The Constitution..

Subject: Nice article shit for brains

From: Charles DiFiore
To: Albert Burneko

[YouTube link]

Check this link out. I wonder if this is just more “Fake News” Your gonna be on the outside looking in soon enough bro. Literally standing there like this while your beloved former President Obama/Clinton and also HRC Podesta Lynch Comey McCabe are being walked away in handcuffs. I can’t believe you actually get paid to be a troll. Your really ripping off your company bubba. Think about what you said even... “Rolls out of bed.. whips out his phone” to tell “lies” now in that fuck hole of a head of yours I’m sure there’s a little bit of a brain left in there.. [HOPEFULLY] is that any different from what almost 80-90% of what most Americans literally do every morning through Twitter/IG/FB they make up “Lies” about their own life to make it meaningful. What’s gonna happen when there is no more Twitter or FB or GOOGLE or YOUTUBE? Look there’s your next story bro. Write a meaningful article maybe. How about this will be the title. WTFFF is the country gonna do when IF twitter/FB are gone? See now that’ll get your fucktard bosses attention! [CLICKBAIT] I never ever even do something like this either. Write an email to an actual lmao (journalist!?) a fucking 3 year old coulda wrote that ffs! But lord willing you’ll wake up and read this and write back? I’d love to hear a response from ya shit for brains. But you won’t. Just another dude who walks through life who never had a pair of fucking BALLS. I bet trump that HAS FAILED more times then you’ve ever succeeded at anything in life. Just another entitled white dude who’s parents sent him to some lame fucking college and bought you a fucking Ford Focus. I wonder who’s dick ya had to suck to actually get that job... anyways. Hope to hear back from ya bubba. [DOUBTFUL] because once again. You have NO BALLS. At least my Fridaywill be that much fucking better knowing your reading this to yourself at some point today. It’s like Tupac once said... “Real Niggas Do Real Things” Be somebody. Do something of importance in your life. Or at least try to be REAL.

Charles DiFiore

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: re: Yep, America’s Worst Human Is Still President

From: Hank Grayson
To: Albert Burneko

Are you serious?

That lead in (and accompanying story) only proves how diseased your brain is!

And to think, you get paid for spreading that BS!

Only in America can one be rewarded for such crap! If you hate him (and this country) so much, get out and live somewhere else!!!!

Subject: To all fucking libs. Get a big Pacifier stick in your socialist ass hide in your safe space AND suck on it for the next 6 years. MELTING fake news SNOW FLAKE motherfucker.

From: balto212
To: Albert Burneko

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Subject: Treason

From: Bryan Hensley
To: Albert Burneko

Spreading false propaganda with an agenda to cause disruption is an act of war against the USA. You need to be held accountable and most likely will be. We now consider you an enemy of the people of the USA. FUCKING COMMUNISTS TRAITOR.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Subject: Despicable

From: John and Karen Lodico
To: Albert Burneko

I just read the most vile, disrespectful piece of garbage that I will never be able to get out of my brain. It’s people like you and followers of you that are what is wrong with this world. You are not a journalist, you are a terrorist of words. In the words of Hillary, “despicable “!

Get Outlook for Android

Subject: President Trump

From: timsmithwave
To: Albert Burneko

President Trump the worst human being ? Are you kidding me? This man has personally saved the country from savages like you. Using the disaster in Puerto Rico for your politicsl agenda? What about the Black and Hispanic unemployment numbers ? But you dont want to talk about that,- You and you liberal friends are so fucked up. I have chosen to walk / away ! Stupid is as stupid does .

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: [no subject]

From: Jack Wendel
To: Albert Burneko

JERK... and that’s a very mild term compared to what I actually think you are!

Subject: Trump

From: Mike Flood
To: Albert Burneko

You have a severe case of TDS.
You wake up every morning blaming our president for everything bad that happens in this world, and you have since the day he was elected.
Here’s some advice, just try and relax, slow down, breathe deep and maybe get through a day without thinking about how much you hate him.
Don’t worry, in a little over 6 years you’ll be rid of him.
Thanks, Mike

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

Subject: PRESIDENT Trump

From: rcbebe303
To: Albert Burneko

EAT SHIT AND DIE! You Un-American Piece of Shit.

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: [no subject]

From: larrashaw
To: Albert Burneko

Your a fucking idiot left wing no brain asshole.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Tablet

Subject: Maybe you should protest

From: David Richards
To: Albert Burneko

like that professor did in NV. LOL

Subject: [no subject]

From: Merlyn Yarnell
To: Albert Burneko

You suck and are dispicable. Your language sucks too. Trump is crude but certainly preferred than Hillary Clinton or Obama even. So get off your nasty soapbox and respect the office of the presidency!

Subject: [no subject]

From: Justin Smith
To: Albert Burneko

You are truly an idiot. Enough said, our president is great jackass.

Subject: President Trump

From: Robert Browand
To: Albert Burneko


Subject: America’s Worst Human

From: Sean Jennings
To: Albert Burneko

What’s up effeminate liberal beta male? OMG, what a glorious day to wake up and find your Trump Derangement Syndrome drivel in my Google curated newsfeed! Bahahahaha ... your tears are so delicious. Tell me oh gender confused sperg: did you draft your vapid diatribe while wearing a large pussy hat on your empty head with dozens of safety pins affixed to your flabby chest? Yes, you did. LMAO, no damn wonder you’re a bottom feeder in the media industry. But hey, please keep those bitter clinging tears flowing .. cause try-hards like you make the famous phrase ‘Mr. Trump has no path to 270 electoral votes’ so delicious.

Later clown,

Subject: Very Simply Put

From: Tigerdad2015
To: Albert Burneko

After reading your shit article on the POTUS being the worst human, I can’t help but understand that individuals like you are no different. Judge, Jury and Executioner! No matter your OPINION of President Trump, he is still your President. Show some respect, because the Majority of America is sick of this crap. He will win Re-Election in 2020, by a Landslide.. Enjoy the next 5.5 years you Leftist Garbage!!

America Supporter!!

My children have to live in this mess. This mess that you have contributed too!!

C Hendricks

Subject: F*** you,

From: Adelaide Myers
To: Albert Burneko

Subject: Wow Albert, really?

From: Jeffrey T Heimbach
To: Albert Burneko

Your write up about Puerto Rico & President Trump is really something.

I understand President Trump can be a bit of a boob with his quick draw comments, ego, Twitter spouts etc etc..........but holy shit, you really hate the man! Not even one slight comment of anything positive. BTW, there are more positives than negatives about #45. I accept his flaws and in turn, I relish his accomplishments. At least he’s the first President that hasn’t been neutered in his train of thought, isn’t politically correct and doesn’t speak like a robot. Obviously, you’re a lib cuz you speak like one. Come on Albert, I dare you to say something positive about President Trump. Since you spoke your view, I can speak mine.

Judging by your page of articles, you definitely favor black sports or at least writing about them. You probably favor Nike and kneeling in the NFL? Fuck the NFL & Nike, those that kneel, disrespect our flag and those that praise them.

America was long overdue for President Trump to take office. America now has a fighting chance to rise above the past BS and be better than ever. Of course this might take more than eight years to fix, so yes, I’ll be voting for President Trump in 2020 and he will be re-elected! Most of you libs are just sore losers, keep spreading hate and discontent, racism and fake news.

Subject: [no subject]

From: Tony Castelli
To: Albert Burneko

You definitely suck as a reporter, maybe you need to get off your butt and do something to make America Great again like hes doing.

Subject: Idiocracy

From: warriordog12000
To: Albert Burneko

You sir are a complete idiot. Our country is in better financial shape than it has been under last 3 presidents. Gdp is much higher. Stock market hit numbers never before seen. 401ks actually making money. And you whine like a typical liberal about bullshit. Grow up please.

Subject: [no subject]

From: [phone number]
To: Albert Burneko

If he’s such a bad President why does he make more than 600 million a year? If he’s such a bad President, why hasn’t North Korea been shooting off missiles? If he’s such a awful President who is only interested in money and war why has the economy randomly started growing in the last two years? Why hasn’t a war broke out yet? No, truth is you simply are like every other person in the world, you have a opinion and unfortunately you’re able to let your opinion be heard by others which ought not to be. Obama crybabies like yourself will have to be sad about it and continue sucking your thumb and complaining lol. He’s not going to be impeached and he’ll finish his four years. Your daddy Hilary and Obama are not here anymore and you two share very similar opinions, did you see him crying about Trump last ? Lol sad. Simple. The days of the Democrats is over, happy sucking on your Binky, pussy.

Subject: Over the top

From: Eddie DelValle
To: Albert Burneko


Like you and countless liberals, it really is sickening to see you all go on the attack for someone who has shown (Not always in his past, but who lives in the past) that he is vested in America and cares deeply about the direction that this country is going in. What is it that you have with this president who wants to fix the damage done in this country by Obama and his cronies. The massive debt he and Michelle left on our nation 9+ trillion under his tenure. The expensive million dollar trips his wife took while Americans were losing their jobs, homes and families both of them took lavish vacations worth millions. There irresponsible immigration laws, unlawful DACA, and promoting the refugees crisis separating families and caging children, spying on citizens, spying on IRS conservatives, the racism and racial divide, the disrespect for law enforcement, our military, lawlessness, the rise of ISIS, the Bengahzi debacle, promoting perversion with the LBGT, and trying to push an abomination on children in schools and communities. I can go on and on. But you seem to be obsessed with bearing false witness on someone hell-bent on restoring America, the land you live on and call yourself a citizen.

Of course like most Americans you must be enjoying the upswing in our economy and the enthusiasm in our communities and the stock market. The dismantling of ISIS, the sanctions restored in Iran to prevent nuclear insanity from people who hate us. How about our buddy Kim from N. K. who will publicly display his nuclear disarmament. Any clue on how the GDP got passed 3.3 Growth? Hmm, I wonder how that happened?

Enough is enough with your crucifixion of this President. It’s time you learn your manners and show the during respect his office deserves as Tiger so eloquently put it. You are clueless about what success is. This President will go down as the best President in history and we don’t need people filled with hate and rage and unforgiveness and without Grace to lecture us.

Shame on you for labeling him as worse human being as he has tried to rescue and restore this great nation. The one you should be calling out is your buddy Obama who forgot our precious men in Bengahzi and our beloved Ambassador Stevens. Your man Obama who ran up our debt and opening our borders, putting children in danger, contributing to police killings and danger, causing riots by his racial rethoric, siding with Hollywood instead of listening to all Americans, breaking every law imaginable, committing blasphemy by ignoring God’s marriage laws and promoting homosexuality. This is just scratching the surface. You consider that humane?

America voted for Donald Trump because Donald Trump provided a message of Hope, a chance for America to come back financially, a chance for America to be restored from socialism Marxism communism and it’s finally a release from the regulation strongholds on businesses that Obama himself put there. Businesses are finally free to hire and as you can see unless you living in some deserted island our economy has improved and the Hispanic and black unemployment is the lowest in history and food stamp participation is a lowest in history. I called that success you call it the worst human being on the planet.

I don’t know if you know much about repentance but what you’re doing is committing a sin to take a leader of the Free World who God has appointed there and today Lee berate and spread hate in our world because of your heart you should get on your knees and ask God to forgive you and stop printing this rhetoric in this division and This Hate in Your Heart nobody else’s. It’s time you act like an American and not like an outcast from another country.

Subject: Additional worst human

From: Eddie DelValle
To: Albert Burneko

Did forget to add your wonderful mayor in Puerto Rico is the true villan. She was arrested for fraud to her own people. Our President put all his resources to help and saved millions of lives by generously giving millions in aid and barely got a Thank you.

Sounds familiar these days.

Subject: President trump

From: renflo86
To: Albert Burneko

Your opinion is your opinion, but have some damn respect for the president...dont like him that’s fine, get out there and vote and if your side wins great and if it does not great. Either way be an American and support your country or fucken leave.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Subject: [no subject]

From: DC
To: Albert Burneko

Oh my God you mean Obama is still president. Move to Russia if you don’t want progress

Sent from my iPhone

Subject: You’re a piece

From: Ty Wez
To: Albert Burneko

What a dumb article you’re seriously trash

Subject: [no subject]

From: Patrick Widmayer
To: Albert Burneko

I hope someone finds your location...and pays you a visit late one night. The miserable shit that you write. You disgusting liberal cock sucker.

cute kids :)

Subject: President Donald J Trump the best President ever. MAGA!!

From: Rosie Brind’amour
To: Albert Burneko

You are fake news. You hate America. You are an embarrassment to American people.

You haters can say anything is in your power to destroy President Donald J Trump until you turn blue but is not going to work. People are not stupid, people are awake not only in the U S but all over the world.

You leftist soiboi, beta ( poor excuse of a) male.

Subject: [no subject]

From: S. Randall Walker
To: tips@deadspin.com

Your Trump hating rhetoric is simply hilarious! Trump was elected because people are sick of your lies and hatred disguised as news. Deadspin should be called “Depressed Spin!”

From: David Roth
To: S. Randall Walker, tips

It really should be called that.

Source: deadspin.com

Date Posted: Sunday, September 16th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 7337

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