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Daylyt Fires At Meek Mills

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

Never one to let a scandal happen without somehow attaching his name to it, Daylyt has jumped into the Drake/Meek Mill ghostwriting beef. The dispute started after Mill shot off a Twitter rant accusing Drake of having ghostwriters for his verses. Daylyt took Drake's side, calling him "a cool Canada dude" and bringing up the co-opted persona of Meek's label-boss Rick Ross.

"How in the flying fuck are you gonna say you can't fuck with Drake 'cause he not real when the nigga that signed you may be the fakest rapper known to fuckin' mankind. I'm from fuckin' L.A. nigga! The nigga that signed you may be the fakest rapper of all time. You don't fuck with Drake because he don't write his own shit, but yet the nigga that signed you and the nigga you fuck with the most is living another nigga's life. There is a real man named Rick Ross that was "The Port oF Miami." There is a real man by the name of Rick Ross that was a kingpin drug dealer. Drake can have all the ghostwriters he want. The nigga that put you on and is your right-hand man got his life ghostwritten for him. His entire persona is a 'ghostwrite.' His entire character is something of somebody else's."

Daylyt closes by saying: "If you gonna discredit one nigga for being fake, discredit all the fake niggas 'cause at the end of the day you one of the last real ones we got left my nigga. You from the bottom."



Source: BattleRap.com

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 , Total Page Views: 22915

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