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Racism Is A Taught Behavior

Racism Is A Taught Behavior
Date Posted: Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

Pictures speak volumes. America's resolve is being underestimated but nevertheless, severely tested. There is an aggressive effort by occupants of the white house to divide America in the most sinister manner imaginable. The explosive nature of the overt racism has been spectacularly shocking, with deeds and actions seemingly surreal.  Recent events have included white supremacist gatherings, a racist sheriff being pardoned and the stated elimination of DACA. Notedly, they are just tipping the edges of their intentions. However, from Charlottesville to Boston, they did not count on America's resistance to racism and hatred. To Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Steven Miller and other cohorts in the white house, your tactics will ultimately backfire and the people of America will prevail. Our message to you is clear, "all that is undone, will be restored". We will once again "rise to greatness". Pictures speak volumes.  

Source: moorenews,net

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 24th, 2015 , Total Page Views: 13377

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