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Tyrese’s Estranged Wife Warns Women Not To Date Celebrities

Tyrese s Estranged Wife Warns Women Not To Date Celebrities
Date Posted: Thursday, March 4th, 2021

As Tyrese and Samantha Lee Gibson head toward divorce, she offered a piece of advice to women everywhere. Although it may be tempting to date a celebrity, Gibson is warning women to resist the urge.

On Monday, March 1, Gibson participated in a Q-and-A on Instagram where she was asked if she would “recommend dating someone famous?” Gibson quickly responded with a resounding, “No!”

“No! No! I would not,” she said as she went on to explain her perspective. “Here’s my thing, I think a lot of women want a certain type of notoriety being with a certain guy. That’s not where your worth comes from, that’s not where your validation comes from. Your validation comes from God and God alone. It doesn’t matter who you’re with.”

While she made it clear that not all wealthy men are bad, she noted the disadvantages that come with the territory of dating men with substantial wealth.

“I’m not saying these guys are bad. But these are self-made men. There’s a lot of women that want these men. At the end of the day, these men are accustomed to getting their way. And because there’s a lot more that women that want them, they’re able to pick and choose and able to do whatever,” Gibson added.

“A lot of women going into a situation, saying, ‘I want this kind of guy.’ Not understanding that these men have the pick of the liter. They ain’t gon put up with everything. You’re going to have to settle, and compromise, and work things out within yourself before they feel like they have to do that too,” Gibson said.

Gibson and Tyrese announced their intention to call it quits several months ago.

Source: M. Lucas-Davis/Rollingout.com

Date Posted: Thursday, March 4th, 2021 , Total Page Views: 1605

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