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Sixteen-Year-Old Entrepreneur Opens Beauty Supply Shop In Brooklyn

Sixteen Year Old Entrepreneur Opens Beauty Supply Shop In Brooklyn
Date Posted: Sunday, September 13th, 2020

A new business has opened its doors in Brooklyn and its owner may surprise you.

CBS2’s Alice Gainer spoke with the teenage entrepreneur behind a new beauty supply store in Flatbush.

Paris McKenzie, 16, showed Gainer around Paris Beauty Supply on Church Avenue.

“Paris, she’s like a little sister to me. I respect her. Its fun,” said Giselle Ashby, 22, who works at the shop.

The shop opened about a month ago, and people have been coming through the door steadily since word got out on social media.

“My cousin told me about this. She found it on Instagram and told me that a young lady… in our community had opened up her first store. So I came to support her,” said Jacqueline Etienne.

If you’re curious about how much a teen can possibly know about running a business, Paris has an answer.

“I do have a lot of business experience. I’ve been helping my mom run her business since I was very, very young. So I know how to handle finances and how to market products in the store,” Paris said. “I had enough money saved to invest in this.”

Paris’s mom owns a boutique on the same street and a salon that’s two doors down.

“I could leave her to do anything from when she was young,” said her mom, Senica Thompson.

In addition to running a business, Paris has plans for another career.

“I’m hoping to major in pre-med, so I can become an orthopedic pediatric surgeon,” she told Gainer

“She’s a straight-A student, so I know she’s gonna do it,” Thompson said.

Paris is an honors student about to enter her junior year of high school. In fact, she’s already taking college courses.

“I don’t really have any more free time, but when I do, I try to go out with my friends,” said Paris. “Walking in here every morning, it makes me feel awesome.”

Paris said she hopes her success inspires other girls.

Source: newyork.cbslocal.com

Date Posted: Sunday, September 13th, 2020 , Total Page Views: 3589

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