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Sad News: Olivia Newton-John Entering Final Days Of Her Battle With Cancer

Sad News Olivia Newton John Entering Final Days Of Her Battle With Cancer
Date Posted: Thursday, August 15th, 2019

Cancer-ravaged Olivia Newton-John has resigned herself to her tragic fate ?as she bravely faces her ?final days, insiders told RadarOnline.com exclusively!

The glamorous Grease star — who was rocked by a devastating stage 4 diagnosis in 2017 after beating breast cancer twice in 1992 and 2013 — now sadly admits she doesn’t know how much time she has left.

“If you believe the statistics, you’re going to make them happen,” said 70-year-old Olivia. “If somebody tells you, ‘You have six months to live,’ [it’s] very possibly you will because you believe that.

“So for me, psychologically, it’s better not to have any ideas of what to expect.”

But Dr. Jonathan Cebon, of Australia’s Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, acknowledged: “Stage 4 breast cancer’s not something we see as a curable disease.”

Wracked by crippling pain, the “Twist of Fate” singer has found relief in the cannabis grown by her husband, John Easterling, at their Santa Barbara home.

And as the end draws nearer, insiders said she and her only child — 33-year-old daughter Chloe Lattanzi — have become inseparable.

“They talk every day and are now more like sisters!” the source noted.

“Olivia knows she’s incurable — but she’s ?doing everything she can ?to make the best of the ?time she has left.”

Source: radaronline.com

Date Posted: Thursday, August 15th, 2019 , Total Page Views: 3337

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