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Interracial Dating: Mom Praises Her Daughter's Boyfriend, Despite Critics

Interracial Dating Mom Praises Her Daughter s Boyfriend Despite Critics
Date Posted: Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Thursday, a Houston Mississippi mom received a text. "I didn't know your daughter was dating a black boy. Did you?"

That morning, Heather Boyer's daughter changed her profile picture on Facebook to a photo of her and her boyfriend. Boyer's daughter is white. Her daughter's boyfriend is black. In a post that has since gone viral, Boyer said she got a text asking about the boyfriend's race "maybe five minutes" later.

Boyer said she thought about how to respond to that text all day. Instead of responding to the person who sent the text, she made a post on Facebook for 'anyone that 'may not know' along with the young couple's photo.

"Yes, in fact, I did know," she wrote, "but the color of his skin doesn’t define who he is. What does define who is he is how he treats my daughter."

Boyer pointed out that her daughter is loved and treated "like a queen" in the relationship. The couple regularly go to church, out to eat and ballgames, she said.

"I see my daughter dating a boy that comes to my house and shows me nothing but respect (a big deal in my book)," the post read. "It’s always Yes Ma’am, No Ma’am, we talk about football and baseball, he tells me bye when he leaves, and has not once shown me a lack of manners or respect.

I see my daughter dating a boy who treats her good. He takes her on dates, to ballgames, out to eat..not to a club or partying on the weekends.

I see my daughter dating a boy who takes her to church with him. Every Sunday. He plays in the band, she sits with his family. How many young men these days make church a priority? None of the others have.

He doesn’t hit her, cuss her, lie to her, or make her cry. Would I rather her date a white boy that did, to keep from her dating another race? Absolutely not.

"So that’s my response to the question I was asked. And I know people have their own opinion, but at the end of the day, the fact that my daughter has someone that loves her and treats her like a queen makes me happy. That’s something I’ve never had in my life and I’m glad she does."

The post has over half a million likes and has been shared over 130,000 times. The comments section was largely filled with positive comments and support for Boyer and the young couple.

Source: clarionledger.com

Date Posted: Friday, February 22nd, 2019 , Total Page Views: 2593

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