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A-Rod Mentors Joe Smith Regardng His Former Girlfriend

A Rod Mentors Joe Smith Regardng His Former Girlfriend
Date Posted: Monday, March 12th, 2018
In 2014, TMZ ran a story in which former NBA baller Joe Smith claimed his ex-girlfriend, “Love & Hip Hollywood” star Moniece Slaughter, bilked him out of a “ton of money… and he’s (ticked off) that cops have done nothing about it.”
Smith, a former No. 1 pick of the Golden State Warriors, who never lived up to his potential, has reportedly squandered nearly all of the $60 million he earned over his 16-year NBA career.
He’s another in a list of NBA players who either mismanaged, squandered or were swindled out of a fortune.
Now, Smith has no choice but to become the subject of a reality series which will exploit his situation for profit, but there is a silver lining to the disheartening situation.  Alex Rodriguez has stepped in and will help Smith rise out of his situation.
The relationship between the two ex-athletes is the basis of a new cable TV reality special called “Back in the Game.” The show will premiere at 10 p.m. March 13 on CNBC.
The one-hour special, executive produced by Michael Strahan (another ex-athlete who has successfully transitioned from the field to a booming career in television and now TV/Film production), follows Rodriguez as he helps Smith regain financial health.
According to a CNBC media release, “Back in the Game” pairs Rodriguez, who is now committing his life to mentoring athletes, with Smith “to find a way to build up Joe’s confidence and get him back on solid financial footing.  But after years of living large, will Joe be willing to listen to his new coach?”
The trailer for the show is a sad jolt of reality and eye-opening exchange between a broken Smith who was once projected to be a better pro than  Kevin Garnett and Rasheed Wallace and Rodriguez.

Source: theshadowleague.com

Date Posted: Monday, March 12th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 7349

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