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Pastor Glows In Happiness After Followers Purchase Him A Plane

Pastor Glows In Happiness After Followers Purchase Him A Plane
Date Posted: Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland giggled and gloated over the new private jet he says God gave him.

The prosperity gospel preacher took possession of the Gulfstream V last Friday, and his church posted a video online to thank “faithful KCM Elite CX Team members – combined with the blessings of a FAITHFUL GOD!”

“Are you looking at this? Hey, are you seeing this?” Copeland says, cackling. “I hope so — you bought it, you and Jesus.”

Copeland then prayed over the plane, and says it was delivered in accordance to a prophetic vision of “new partners” he received more than a decade ago.

“When you said in 2002, ‘I’m sending you new partners who are very strong financially and they’ll obey me, and I will increase your longtime partners and they will obey me,'” the pastor says, chuckling, “‘and you will not come short, and you will not fail, and you will not lack, and you will not come behind, and you will not be diminished.’ Praise God — isn’t that good?”


Source: rawstory.com

Date Posted: Thursday, January 18th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 11489

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