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Soda May Be More Dangerous Than Alcohol

Soda May Be More Dangerous Than Alcohol
Date Posted: Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Have you ever cracked open a cold can of Coca Cola and wondered to yourself "is soda bad for you?". If so, we're here to tell you that yes, yes it is! In fact, soda is REALLY friggin' bad for you. So much so, that it's sort of amazing that soda is legal and marijuana isn't. That's not BS liberal logic either, soda will kill you long before pot ever does. Hell, soda will kill you before alcohol does. Now that's saying something. Don't believe us?

Even though Americans have slowly started to limit their soda intake, the average person was STILL drinking 38.5 gallons of soda as of last year. C'mon, you've gotta admit that's insane! Sure enough researchers in South Africa thought it was insane and decided to try and make sense of it all. They pulled 36 separate studies from the last 10 years to build their case.

According to Men's Health:

"The results of their review, which were published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society, concluded that regularly drinking the sweet stuff—typically five or more sugary drinks per week—ups your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses."

Oh, just diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic illnesses?! No biggie! That's totally worth some fizzy goodness with dinner, right? Erm, not so much. In the grand scheme of things, it's not really worth the risks. Perhaps if soda gave you superpowers, we'd reconsider. Here's some more complications related to soda consumption, just to really drive the point on home:

Health Effects Of Drinking Soda
Drinking soda is also associated with “visceral adiposity,” the researchers of the review note, which is a fancy term for the fat you can't see hiding deep within your body around your organs.

Drinking soda is also linked to more inflammation in your body which has been linked to everything from Cancer to Alzheimer's Disease.

Even drinking just two cups of soda per week can increase your chances at getting type 2 diabetes.

Soda floods your body with glucose and fructose which causes your blood sugar to spike. Why is this bad? Well, it messes with your body's natural ability to release insulin, which is the hormone that allows your body to take in sugar from your blood and use it for energy.

In conclusion, give up the soda guys! Go grab yourself a nice seasonal beer, at least you can get drunk off that. We realize that might sound a little counterintuitive in a health and fitness oriented article, but, hey! Life's short.

Source: FHM.com

Date Posted: Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 , Total Page Views: 2221

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