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WATCH: LaVar Ball And Steven A. Smith Engage In Epic Screaming Match

WATCH LaVar Ball And Steven A Smith Engage In Epic Screaming Match
Date Posted: Saturday, March 25th, 2017

LaVar Ball, the father of UCLA's Lonzo Ball, has repeatedly proved that he is not short on confidence in either himself or any of his three basketball-playing sons. That swagger reached epic proportions on Thursday during a segment on ESPN's "First Take."

Host Stephen A. Smith challenged Ball on his recent comments that he could have beaten Michael Jordan one-on-one in his prime.

Ball wouldn't back down, saying Jordan "would need help — he's too small."

This got Smith even more fired up than usual, and Ball was up to the task. The two traded verbal punches like Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. For each of Smith's exclamations, Ball upped the ante, saying Lonzo was better than Stephen Curry and that he would have an effect on the Lakers similar to Magic Johnson's.

Watch this epic screaming match below:


Source: yahoo.com

Date Posted: Saturday, March 25th, 2017 , Total Page Views: 2072

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