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Trump Said We Should Buy American, But What About Ivanka?

Trump Said We Should Buy American But What About Ivanka
Date Posted: Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

A consistent theme among Donald Trump’s rhetoric, and last night’s address to Congress was no different, is economic nationalism, which means “buy and hire American.” As usual, though, the words were contradicted by his own family’s actions, and in particular, his favorite child, Ivanka, who wore a lovely dress that was made, of course, in the United Kingdom and designed by a French designer.

Ivanka Trump, the President’s eldest daughter who is said to be his “favourite” child, wore a fuchsia dress by French designer Roland Mouret which cost $1868 (£1772) to the prestigious event which saw her father promise a “new chapter of American greatness” and launch barbed attacks on illegal immigrants.

A representative for the acclaimed designer, Roland Mouret, told The Independent the Rawlings Dress which was worn by the first daughter was produced in the UK.

Not everyone thought the dress was appropriate because it was cocktail length rather than formal, and it showed her shoulders after Michelle Obama was so widely criticized on the right for daring to show her arms. Ivanka’s bra strap was also showing.

The real problem with the optics, of course, isn’t even about the questionable choice in dress style, it’s about the fact that like almost everything that has Trump’s brand, it was made outside the United States while Trump is pushing an agenda of nationalism. It’s hypocrisy at its worst and rather than apologize for it, the Trumps flaunt it, just like they flaunt the ethics surrounding the presidency.

Source: AddictingInfo.org

Date Posted: Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 , Total Page Views: 3315

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