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Need Money For College? Try The New Scholly App.

Need Money For College Try The New Scholly App
Date Posted: Monday, February 15th, 2016
Do you or your child need money for college and you don't know where to turn? Try a new website/app developed by Black entrepreneur Christopher Gray. Its an easy-to-use, comprehensive tool that helps students find scholarships for college and grad school with the click of a button. To date, the app has helped hundreds of thousands of students find over $15 million in scholarship money.

The impact his app has had not only in the business world but specifically within the black community is not lost on Gray. "Access to a college education is important for everyone, but to the black community it means even more," the entrepreneur says. "The reason why a lot of low income black students can’t attend or at times complete college is because of a lack of financial aid...That’s why I created Scholly. I wanted to help my people be able to get access to the education they worked hard for and deserve."

The app, Scholly, is available for I-phones and Androids. It is also available at myscholly.com

Source: HuffingtonPost.com

Date Posted: Monday, February 15th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 3911

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