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Ben...Please Don't EmbarrASS Us

Ben Please Don t EmbarrASS Us
Date Posted: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
These first two weeks of February are critical for presidential candidates, who are rushing between Iowa and New Hampshire to get in as much face time with voters as possible.

Ben Carson, however, is taking a break.

His campaign announced that he will leave Iowa on Monday night and head to Florida to get some clean clothes. His aides said he was not ending his faltering presidential bid.

Flying to Florida is a long trip to simply do laundry or grab some clean clothes from his closet. Other options would have been for Carson to wash his clothes in Iowa or stop at a nearby store to pick up some new items.

After receiving a burst of support in November, Carson's prominence has waned. During recent GOP debates, he has mostly received attention for appearing to be asleep.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com

Date Posted: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 , Total Page Views: 2293

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