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Rest And Reset With A Mid-Summer Detox

Rest And Reset With A Mid Summer Detox
Date Posted: Thursday, June 11th, 2020

During your cleanse you should only drink water or unsweetened tea. Black coffee is acceptable as well. In my experience, I ate 90 percent fruit and 10 percent vegetable during my 5-week trial of intermittent fasting and it was the best I’ve ever felt. Finding what works for your body is important, but challenging your body (within limits) is just as important. At the end of the day, you want to be sure you are giving the body its proper rest, replenishment, and nourishment to be able to work properly.

If the idea of intermittent fasting scares you the easiest way to rest your stomach during your mid-summer detox is to eat fruits and vegetables with light grains and beans. The goal is to put less strain on your insides and allow the body to flush all the heavy harsh foods from the digestive system.

Foods That Detox And Cleanse The Body

1). Cucumber

2). Grapefruit

3). Kale, spinach, and other dark leafy greens

4). Ginger

5). Lemon

6). Pineapple

7). Beans

8). Avocado

9). Watermelon

11). Blueberries

12). Coconut water

What Does A Day Of Detoxing Look Like?

1. Wake up: Drink a glass of fresh lemon or

2. Breakfast: Eat a huge bowl of fruit (blueberries, strawberries, dragon fruit, blackberries, bananas), an Acai bowl, or a green smoothie (1 banana, handful of spinach, 1 cup of water, tsp of chia seeds, 1 fresh squeezed lime).

3. Lunch: Eat sauteed vegetables of choice over quinoa, with a side of beans (optional)

4. Dinner: Arugula salad (fresh arugula, chopped red onions, chopped cucumber, and tomatoes)

Remember, detoxing doesn’t have to feel like hard work. The goal is to give your gut the proper rest and nourishment so it can keep working for you. If your digestive system is down you can experience constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, weight gain, upset stomach, and possibly other chronic diseases.

Source: blackdoctor.org

Date Posted: Thursday, June 11th, 2020 , Total Page Views: 2169

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