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Trump Directing Racist Threats Against Prosecutors Is Part Of His 'Fascist Insurgency': Morning Joe

Trump Directing Racist Threats Against Prosecutors Is Part Of His Fascist Insurgency Morning Joe
Date Posted: Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough expressed alarm at the threats Donald Trump directed at the Black prosecutors who are investigating his fraudulent activities.

Fani Willis, the district attorney who's investigating Trump's efforts to undo his election loss there, has asked the FBI for help securing her office, and "Morning Joe" panelists agreed the threats had been provoked by the twice-impeached one-term president.

"We have seen the former president inspire violence, no moment more obviously than Jan. 6," said MSNBC's Jonathan Lemire. "He is, when he talks like this, there are people who listen and respond to it. What we're seeing here is an unprecedented step.Aas we know, when he was president he didn't like a news story because it was negative, he would call it fake news. Here he is suggesting that any investigation into him must be illegal."

"Now he has added the idea it must be racist because so many of the prosecutors involved are African American," Lemire added. "He's trying to delegitimize this. Again, I don't think we can overlook the idea of linking the Jan. 6 pardons comes at the same time he is calling for the mass demonstrations where it almost seems like, 'Hey, a quid pro -- could you go out there and protest for me, if things get violent, well, if I am elected again I will pardon you. We are sort of at an ominous new place with his rhetoric here, and it is no surprise. I doubt the prosecutor in Atlanta will be the only one who has to increase security as a direct result of what the former president is saying."

Scarborough said the racist element to the threats was particularly ominous, given the former president's history.

"How telling that Donald Trump, a guy who really leads an ethno-nationalist, some would say a fascist insurgency against the United States, is deeply offended by a Black woman daring to investigate whether he broke the law or not, trying to rig the election in Georgia and telling the secretary of state to find votes after the election was over," Scarborough said.

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Source: Travis Gettys/Rawstory.com

Date Posted: Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 , Total Page Views: 609

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