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Lindsey Graham’s Hypocrisy On Donald Trump Is Laid Bare In New Attack Ad

Lindsey Graham s Hypocrisy On Donald Trump Is Laid Bare In New Attack Ad
Date Posted: Saturday, May 23rd, 2020

The 81-second spot slams the South Carolina Republican as “spineless,” “shameless” and “dangerous.”

The rank hypocrisy of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on President Donald Trump is laid bare in a searing new attack ad released Friday.

Footage of Graham blasting Trump as a “jackass,” “kook,” “crazy” and “unfit for office” before the 2016 election is juxtaposed with clips of him later lavishing praise on the president, even calling for him to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

The 81-second spot, produced by the new Democratic LindseyMustGo super PAC, slams the senator as “spineless,” “shameless” and “dangerous” and calls for him to be voted out of office in the November election.

Graham, now one of Trump’s most reliable congressional defenders, faces tough competition from Democratic challenger Jamie Harrison. Pundits have predicted Graham could face “a single-digit race” against Harrison, the former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

Check out the ad here:

“We’re simply tired of his snarling, revengeful, dirty payback politics down here and I promise you we will do whatever we legally can to make his last nine months in the U.S. Senate a miserable hell,” former MSNBC contributor Jimmy Williams, a senior adviser to the PAC, told The Washington Post.

It’s not the first time that Graham’s astonishing reversal on Trump has come under scrutiny. The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan in January showed why Graham is “the most shameless man in American politics” with this montage:

A mocking Twitter account pretending to be the lawmaker’s conscience was launched by a video editor at the conservative news website The Bulwark. And Hillary Clinton suggested Graham had “a brain snatch” in order to perform his Trump U-turn.

Source: huffpost.com/youtube

Date Posted: Saturday, May 23rd, 2020 , Total Page Views: 2461

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