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Ex-GOP Strategist Slams Trump's Nightly 'Baghdad Bob Show': His Incompetence Will Cost 'The Lives Of Tens Of Thousands'

Ex GOP Strategist Slams Trump s Nightly Baghdad Bob Show His Incompetence Will Cost The Lives Of Tens Of Thousands
Date Posted: Friday, April 17th, 2020

“We should be careful to understand that when the same guy says, well, it’ll be back in September but we’ll make it go away really quick, is the same guy, when there were 15 cases in the country, said, soon, it would be gone to zero and it would disappear like magic,” added Schmidt. “The lack of credibility in these evening news events is epic and unlike everything we’ve ever seen. It’s a Baghdad Bob show every night of the week, day after day — the airing of the grievances, the airing of his anger issues, the attacks on the governors, we see every night. All of the qualities you never, ever want to see in a leader, in a crisis, when lives are at stake.”

Watch the video below:

Source: rawstory.com/youtube.com

Date Posted: Friday, April 17th, 2020 , Total Page Views: 1220

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