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Unhinged: Candace Owens Shares Her Solution For Solving Race Issues In America

Unhinged Candace Owens Shares Her Solution For Solving Race Issues In America
Date Posted: Tuesday, August 27th, 2019

Many racial problems in America would end immediately if Democrats simply kept a promise they’ve been making, conservative commentator and Blexit movement leader Candace Owens says.

Since they’re to blame for manufacturing and stoking racial unrest, Democrats could ease racial tension “overnight” by making good on their promises to leave the U.S. while Donald Trump is president, Owens tweeted on Sunday:

“If Democrats left America like they keep promising to, a lot of race issues would be repaired overnight.

“They create, perpetuate and exaggerate racial unrest to sustain their party.”

In an earlier tweet, Owens called black people living in America “the luckiest black people ever to live in the history of the world”:

“The luckiest black people to ever live in the history of the world, are the ones living in America today. A new black America is on the horizon. We are no longer swallowing the Left’s poison. Meet me in Baltimore on 9/15 at our next #BLEXIT event:

Owens’ Blexit movement seeks to introduce conservative values to urban society.

Source: cnsnews.com

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 , Total Page Views: 3825

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