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Trump Defender No Longer Wants to Be Called Black Or African-American

Trump Defender No Longer Wants to Be Called Black Or African American
Date Posted: Friday, March 15th, 2019
Paris Dennard decided to show his face after the Washington Post dropped an explosive story that he allegedly got fired from Arizona State University for sexual harassment in 2014. He is clearly trying to reclaim his title as being the grand wizard of the sunken place, which Candace Owens appears to proudly own, with his latest tweet. Dennard doesn’t want to be called Black or African American. Well, we can finally agree with him on something.

Dennard was tweeting with another trash box who babbled, “Don’t address me as black or African American. I am not black (I’m actually brown) and I have never been to Africa. Call me AMERICAN!!! If you want to identify my ancestry, call me an AMERICAN of African descent.” Now it’s pretty funy considering he called himself Black on Twitter before.
This is the type of language Dennard loves so, of course, he tweeted, “Furthermore, how could we be from an entire continent?!”
The fired CNN employee was dragged pretty hard in his comments with one user writing, “But you’re going to call yourself American which can refer to 2 continents. Gurl…”

And this gem, “Most blacks have never claimed you as African American Paris, but trump has…”
Well, we agree with Dennard. He should not be called Black or African American. All skin folk ain’t kinfolk and Dennard isn’t anybody’s kin.

While we have your attention, let us remind you, back in August, it was reported that Dennard got the pink slip from Arizona State University.
According to the Post, in one incident he told a recent graduate he wanted to have sex with her and “pretended to unzip his pants in her presence, tried to get her to sit on his lap, and made masturbatory gestures.” In a report from 2014, Dennard didn’t deny the accusation but said it was just a joke — sounds like he was defending deplorable behavior even before Trump.

Another woman in the report said Dennard touched her “neck with his tongue” and “came up behind EMPLOYEE 1 during another [McCain Institute] event and whispered in her ear that he wanted to ‘f—’ her.” The report claims he admitted to this inappropriate behavior.

Dennard was placed on administrative leave in the fall of 2014 and was “involuntarily separated” from the university in early 2015.

In response to the report, Dennard told the Post, he “was led to believe” the report was “sealed and proprietary.” He also added, “I cannot comment on items I have never seen regarding allegations I still believe to be false. This is sadly another politically motivated attempt to besmirch my character, and shame me into silence for my support of President Trump and the GOP.”

That got Dennard fired from CNN and continued his legacy of being the most embarrassing Republican on the planet. However, it’s a tough fight when you have Candace ‘The NRA Protected Black People From The KKK’ Owens.

Source: newsone.com

Date Posted: Friday, March 15th, 2019 , Total Page Views: 5570

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