Was Lynne Patton Public Housing 'Live-In' Just An Audition For Reality TV?
Date Posted: Friday, March 15th, 2019
Sunglass-wearing Lynne PattonEric Trump‘s former party planner, has finished her month-long stay in New York City public housing. She reportedly embarked on the “live-in” tour to see how people were living in poverty. Who knows if she feels the same way as Ben Carson who said that people are “too comfortable” in poverty. Now that her publicity tour is over, maybe she will go down the reality show lane that many have predicted.
Patton previously signed on to do a reality show about Black Republicans.
“Patton has signed an agreement to work with the show’s production company, said Leslie Oren, a spokeswoman for Truly Original, the New York-based creators of ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ and other reality TV and documentary series,” CNN.com reported last week.
Patton received the OK by the Trump family to be in a reality show.
“I would never have even asked HUD if I hadn’t first asked the Trump family,” she said.
The fact that anyone in the Trump administration would give the green light to do a reality show, considering HUD is in shambles, is disgusting. There is an actual job she should focus on.
But Patton loves the attention. She and her sunglasses debased the HUD staffer during Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform last month, something that didn’t sit well with her colleagues.
“Lynne Patton’s appearance during the hearing confused HUD employees, who were expecting her to show up to work Wednesday,” The Washington Post reported at the time.
In addition, she has been trying to soak up every bit of press from her “live-in” tour of the New York City Housing Projects, according to the New York Daily News.
“It is also the same community where the new Amazon headquarters was supposed to base,” she babbled on Facebook before starting her tour.
“While my primary goal remains effectuating immediate on-site repairs & relaying failures to the monitor, I also plan to give the residents ‘A NATIONAL VOICE’ on what most of them deem to be a stolen opportunity with Amazon! Politics should NEVER play part in either fixing or securing jobs for #NYCHA!”
It doesn’t seem like they want her voice, according to the New York Daily News.
“Who the hell is Lynne Patton? Anything from Trump I don’t trust. I don’t think she wants to help,” said Carline Campbell, a 20-year resident of the Patterson Houses in the Bronx, where Patton stayed first.
After Patton attended a town hall at the Queensbridge Houses in Queens, one tenant named Tracy Harris said, “This is all a show. I don’t believe one word that’s coming out of her mouth. She’s saying all the right things, but they’re empty promises. Just like the last person who came up in here, and the person before that. She’s all for show,” according to ABC News.
Side note — ABC described Patton as wearing “sunglasses perched atop her head” while leading “reporters through apartments with moldy ceilings and down to a fetid basement where she covered her nose and mouth with her scarf.” She really loves those sunglasses.
Source: newsone.com
Date Posted: Friday, March 15th, 2019 , Total Page Views: 9795