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James Comey wants Americans to use every breath we have to defeat Individual-1 in 2020. This is what I would like to tell Mr. Comey. Had you not injected yourself into the 2016 election, just maybe, Individual-1 would have gone down in defeat and the world would have been spared the craziness we are experiencing now. You ignored the advice of your immediate superior to not publicly express your concern about possible additional emails. A child would have known that that sort of action could sway the election. I find it hard to believe that you were too naïve to understand that possibility. Days later you informed the world that you made a mistake. Ooopps! False alarm!. Sorry! Unfortunately, sorry won’t undo the damage that was done.
Source: moorenews.net
Date Posted: Monday, December 10th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 2528
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