WATCH: Trump Voters Clash Over Whether To Support Him Again
Date Posted: Wednesday, August 8th, 2018
CNN is airing a series of panels with Trump voters from the 2016 election, some of whom stand by the president and others who now regret their vote.
Host Alisyn Camerota asked the group about how Trump performed at the Helsinki summit where he met with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, who allegedly intervened in the election on Trump’s behalf.
Three of the six were “comfortable” with how Trump handled the meeting with the dictator.
Trump supporter Arthur Schaper said that he didn’t take it personally when Trump blamed the U.S. for interference.
“I don’t see him blaming all of us, and you have to recognize that that’s a loaded question right there,” Schaper said. “He isn’t blaming — he’s blaming our intelligence community… the intelligence community are out of control.”
Jeremey Montenez, a regretful Trump voter, said that he has become convinced that Trump cannot stand up to Russia.
“What bothers me more is that I think he’s a suck-up to Vladimir Putin because he has something on him,” he said. “Now. whether it’s something legal, helping him get elected, whatever it is, he has something on this guy so he’s going to do whatever he can to include Russia to make us on the same level.”
Later, one of the Trump supporters said he believed Trump when he said he meant “wouldn’t” instead of “would.”
The segment finally went totally off-the-rails when a Trump supporter claimed that Trump had “denuclearized North Korea.”
Watch below:
Date Posted: Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 2878
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