Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt Says 'Despicable Doesn't Begin To Describe It.'
Date Posted: Monday, June 11th, 2018
Republican strategist Steve Schmidt unleashed a furious series of tweets on Sunday morning, attacking the GOP leadership for hiding from the press and not condemning President Donald Trump’s vicious attacks on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau while blowing up progress made at the G7 summit.
With Trump advocates doubling down on the president’s vicious tweets aimed at the Canadian leader, Schmidt noticed no push back from the putative leadership of the Republican Party — calling them “despicable” and “complicit.”
Responding to a tweet from MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, which read, “God help us. Their silence is damning enough. But the Senate Majority Leader calling this the best time ever for conservatives is vile. History will be brutal in its telling of their cowardice,” Schmidt piled on.
“Despicable doesn’t begin to describe it.McConnell has been one of the presiding officers over the destruction of the conservative project and the collapse of decency and nobility in our politics. Now he is a handmaiden to the destruction of our alliances. Ignominy is his destiny,” he wrote.
Then he was off — you can read his tweets below:
TRUMP disgraced the Presidency and the United States at the G-7 summit. From his slovenly appearance to his unpreparedness, ignorance and arrogance, he beclowned himself. The Republican majority is filled with cowards who are servile supplicants to the most unfit POTUS ever.
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) June 10, 2018
God help us. Their silence is damning enough. But the Senate Majority Leader calling this the best time ever for conservatives is vile. History will be brutal in its telling of their cowardice.
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) June 10, 2018
Despicable doesn’t begin to describe it.McConnell has been one of the presiding officers over the destruction of the conservative project and the collapse of decency and nobility in our politics. Now he is a handmaiden to the destruction of our alliances. Ignominy is his destiny.
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) June 10, 2018
Letter to an American. Please read. We are connected to our Allies through shared values and the immense sacrifices that have been made to preserve freedom and liberty. Trump disgraces himself, his office, our history and our nation with his vile conduct.
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) June 10, 2018
73 years ago our world had been shattered by a war that killed 80 million people. Light overcame the darkness after immense suffering. A better world emerged from the ashes, rebuilt on values held dear by the US and our allies. Trumps’ sundering of these relationships endanger us.
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) June 10, 2018
Very nearly every elected member of the Republican Congress has chosen Trump and party over our country. It is shameful. They have embraced illiberalism, assaults on the rule of law, attacks on objective truth and staggering corruption. They betray their oaths with complicity.
— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) June 10, 2018
Date Posted: Monday, June 11th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 4873