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WATCH: Five Year Old Asks Her Mother 'Where Did Barack Obama Go?'

WATCH Five Year Old Asks Her Mother Where Did Barack Obama Go
Date Posted: Sunday, January 28th, 2018

A five-year-old girl had some serious questions for her mother.

In an adorable series of Instagram videos that her mother posted online, Taylor peppered her mom with questions about politics, beginning with, “Where did Barack Obama go?”

Her mother wrote in the caption, “This all started because she wanted to know, Where did Barack Obama go? And where is the president’s house? She is still mad.”

“Why do we have another president?” Taylor kept asking. “So, why did he go? Where did he go? So, why do we have the president we have now at the same spot [Obama] was and why did he leave it anyway?”

Her mother gave Taylor a patient response. “Because a president can only serve two terms…”

Taylor wasn’t easily convinced.

“But, how come Hillary [Clinton] did not get to be the president and why is she the loser? And what are they even supposed to be winning?” the little girl asked.

“They get to be the president of the United States,” her mother said.

After her mother explained to her that it was Donald Trump who lived in the White House, Taylor threw her hands in the air and cried, “But why does he have to live there?”

“Where do you want him to live?” her mother asked.

“I want him to live somewhere else,” Taylor said. “I don’t want him living in Texas!”

Watch the video below:

Source: people.com/youtube

Date Posted: Sunday, January 28th, 2018 , Total Page Views: 30014

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