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Republican Governor Investigates A Wealthy Black Community

Republican Governor Investigates A Wealthy Black Community
Date Posted: Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Prince George’s County, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C., houses seven out of the 10 richest Black communities in the United States and boasts more Black wealth in one place than anywhere else in the country.

What’s more, PG’s citizens are the best-educated of any similar community.

Despite these impressive distinctions, storm clouds of controversy hover over this prosperous D.C. suburb. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has requested an investigation into the community. He has asked the Maryland State Board of Education to investigate the allegations that Prince George’s County educators have been altering grades and credit counts to boost the high school graduation rate.

The allegations claim that the 81 percent graduation rate is due to the manipulation of student records.

Hogan requested the investigation at the “direct request” of four Prince George’s County School Board members, according to a spokesperson. Officials say the investigation also came after state Sen. Anthony Muse (D) demanded the resignation of the Prince George’s County Public Schools CEO Kevin Maxwell.

Prince George’s County high school principals issued a statement in response to the allegations, stating that elected officials and “aspiring politicos” are lusting to control the school system, which is the largest recipient of county funds, “by any means necessary.”

“A high school diploma should never be used as a political pawn to twist the perception of the entire school system,” said the June 21 statement.

Gov. Hogan has yet to weigh in on the veracity of the claims.

County Executive Rushern Baker announced that he planned to run for governor against Hogan only a few days before Hogan called for the investigation.

Medium publication suggested that Hogan should focus his attention on Carroll County. It boasts the highest graduation rates in the state of Maryland but is experiencing a major rise in crime. Interestingly enough, Caroll County is 91 percent White and voted for Hogan in 2012.

Source: rollingout.com

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 5th, 2017 , Total Page Views: 5870

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