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Grandson Of Congressman Murdered. Two Juveniles Arrested, With Murder Charges Expected

Grandson Of Congressman Murdered Two Juveniles Arrested With Murder Charges Expected
Date Posted: Sunday, November 20th, 2016

Two juvenile murder suspects have been taken into custody in the slaying of U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ grandson, police said Saturday night.

“First-degree murder charges are expected,’’ said Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department.

The two are in custody for questioning and have been classified as suspects in the murder, said Officer Michelle Tannehill, a police spokeswoman.

"The detectives are with them and charges are expected, but we don’t have their ages or genders until the charges are approved," Tannehill said.

Police called the shooting of the 15-year-old a targeted attack stemming from an argument over gym shoes.

Jovan Wilson, whose paternal grandfather is Davis, was killed about 7 p.m. Friday while his mother was out picking up dinner for the family, Guglielmi said.

The incident originally was believed to be a home invasion, he said, but police later learned that wasn’t the case.

“There was a history between the young people involved. and it was a dispute over gym shoes,” Guglielmi said. “This was not random but was egregious and senseless to use a gun over a fight for clothes.”

Jovan, of the 5600 block of South Princeton Avenue in the city’s Englewood neighborhood, was a Perspectives Charter High School sophomore. Calls to the school weren’t immediately returned.

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, took to Twitter on Saturday morning, saying: “The murder of Congressman Danny Davis’ 15 year old grandson in a Chicago home invasion is reminder we need a federal strategy to save lives.”

Guglielmi corrected Gingrich, tweeting: “@newtgingrich not a home invasion but a dispute among teens over gym shoes that ended in senseless shooting. We hv person of interest ID’d.”

Family friend Charles Raymond, 74, didn’t say whether he thinks a federal strategy is the answer, but he believes there are a few other things Chicago needs.

“One would be prayer,” Raymond said Saturday. “And we need more community involvement and then we need a more personal relationship with police … then perhaps we can eliminate some of these senseless killings.”

Jovan, who loved sports and rap music, was at his home in Englewood with an uncle, his 16-year-old sister, 14-year-old brother and 8-year-old brother when two teenage assailants entered the home and began arguing with Jovan, police and Davis said. The teen’s mother had left the home to pick up food.

During the argument, one of the assailants, a 15-year-old boy, pulled out a gun and shot Jovan in the head. A 17-year-old girl was the other assailant, Davis said.

“He was a typical 15-year-old,” the Democratic congressman said of his grandson. “He liked basketball. If you listened to him he was a basketball star, but he liked basketball and music. All those kinds of things. He was an avid sports fan, he knew all about, you know, the stats of different players.”

Davis had just returned to Chicago from Washington, D.C., and was in his office when his son Stacey Wilson, the boy’s father, called him with the news of the shooting.

He said he might never know the answer to those questions or if there was anything, such as better education, that could have prevented his grandson’s homicide. “I do know that I grieve for my family,” Davis said at a news conference. “I grieve for the young man who pulled the trigger. I grieve for his family, his parents, his friends, some of whom will never see him again.”

Davis said gun violence is a problem society deals with every day and reflected on how he’s attended multiple funerals for other slain teenagers.

“I guess that I always knew that the possibility existed that it could happen close to me,” Davis said. “As a matter of fact, I thought it was so unfortunate because Jovan had just reached a point, 15, his grades had improved at school. His father had just told me about how proud of him that he was because he was catching on and realizing that all of his life was in front of him.”

The family had talked to the teen about staying at home at night. Still, that didn’t spare him from violence, Davis said. “Unfortunately, here he was in the house at home, minding his own business, and some intruders would come and snuff his life away.”

The boy’s father, teary-eyed, stood next to Davis during the news conference. He had just given his son money to get a haircut, and he thought the next time he would talk to him would be about an appropriate haircut to get.

“It’s going to take me some time to grieve,” Wilson said.

Violence has spiked this year in Chicago to levels not seen since the 1990s, and several people with prominent connections have been killed in addition to Davis’ grandson.

Source: chicagotribune.com

Date Posted: Sunday, November 20th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 1659

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