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Former Black Miss Teen USA Speaks Out About Trump

Former Black Miss Teen USA Speaks Out About Trump
Date Posted: Thursday, October 13th, 2016

As more women come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault, a former Miss Teen USA says she was once told the Republican presidential candidate “doesn’t like black people.”

Kamie Crawford, the Maryland native who won the beauty pageant in 2010, said Wednesday that she was warned about Trump’s predilections before meeting the Miss Universe owner at age 17.

“As the first (woman of color) to win the title in almost a decade — I was forewarned prior to meeting him that, ‘Mr. Trump doesn't like black people. So don't take it the wrong way if he isn't extremely welcoming towards you. If he is, then (you) just must be the ‘type’ of black he likes,'" Crawford, now 23, tweeted.

“Now again... I'm 17. Only experienced racism personally ONCE and it was outside of my hometown," Crawford continued. "SO needless to say, I was totally caught off guard and super nervous (because) this is supposed to be my boss I'm meeting — and he might not like me ALREADY?”

Before her, the most recent non-white winner was Missouri native Marissa Whitley, who was born to a black father and white mother, in 2001.

After being forewarned about Trump, the pageant winner said she witnessed him deliberately discriminate against a black contestant.    

“I saw him in action & witnessed him completely snub a black contestant at Miss Universe rehearsals while she was practicing on stage. Literally turned his back to the stage and made a face like he was going to vomit at the sight of her,” tweeted Crawford.

“Luckily for me — I was the ‘type’ of black he liked. He toted me around his buddies who were all there gawking at the Miss Universe girls, bragged about how ‘beautiful’ and ‘well spoken’ I was. ‘She's so smart, look how smart she is,’ he kept saying."

The Trump campaign did not immediately return a request for comment about Crawford's claims, which come after a tumultuous week for the Republican nominee, starting with the unveiling of a 2005 hot mic recording that showed him bragging about sexually assaulting women. After claiming the offensive words in the video didn't represent who he actually is, at least five women came out Wednesday accusing Trump of sexually assaulting them. He has denied all those claims.

Crawford, who graduated from Fordham University in 2015 and now runs her own fashion company, said she was “over the moon” at the real estate mogul’s attention at the time.

 “But in hindsight, there was nothing to be excited about. This man is running for president of a country with ALL ‘types’ of black &honey, if u ain't his ‘type’ Idk what to tell u,” she wrote. “But I will say this —VOTE on November 8th if u don't wanna find out what his ‘type’ isn't.”

Source: NYDailyNews.com

Date Posted: Thursday, October 13th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 1439

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