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A Black Feminist Blogger Goes to Work
Demetria Lucas D’Oyley (pictured) is by all means a professional black woman in America who has accomplished a great deal of notoriety in her lifetime. She’s developed a platform, which has put her in close proximity with a few notable sources that help her hone her skills as a journalist to a wide audience.
D’Oyley recently had an article of hers published in the mighty Huffington Post. The title of her September 23, 2016 article reads as follows: “6 Reasons Why Black Women Have Every Right to Be Angry.” An abbreviated version for each of D’Oyley’s six tentacles of feminist logic is present in the block quotes below.
1. Being thought of as “the help.”
Look, if you’re in Target wearing a red shirt, you’re fair game for being mistaken for someone who works there. But it’s beyond annoying to hear that squeaky “Excuse me?” in your direction when you’re shopping in your coat and/or holding your gigantic purse and someone asks you where the dressing room is.
2. Touching our hair.
I get the fascination with black women’s hair, especially natural hair. There is an endless array of styles and textures that occur on one head or within one head of hair. The waves, curls and coils and kinks can defy gravity and definition.
3. Appropriating our style.
It’s infuriating to constantly receive messages, whether from our mothers or mainstream media, that our hair textures, hairstyles, bodies, fashions and features are not good enough, and then see those exact same traits and style choices celebrated when they’re worn by people who don’t have our melanin.
4. Being bashed by black men.
There’s a group of men who seem to have made it their life’s work to tell black women “You ain’t s–t.” It’s the guys who share memes that clown black women’s hair, weight, eyebrows or attitudes. Or it’s the men who pop up in black women’s spaces to extol the virtues of nonblack women who are “better.”
5. Black male silence.
I’ve lost count of the number of days I’ve woken up, clicked my Facebook app and seen video of another police shooting of a black man. Or for that day and the following day, it’s all my timeline is talking about, especially if the victim is male.
6. Constantly being blamed.
If you’ve spent any length of time online discussing any issue involving women (which I happen to do a lot by nature of my job), you’ll quickly see a theme of blaming women emerge. It’s similar to the way some non-black people blame black people for everything bad that happens to them.
Black American women like Demetria Lucas D’Oyley know the downsides of being intelligent, educated, and influential in a nation, which has historically oppressed their race. At times, privileged black women like her often have to assimilate a corporate role, which abrasively pits them against their black male counterparts. Many of these black women are pitted against black men who have overcome similar obstacles and/or come from similar environments. This harsh reality is starkly similar to the slave plantations of old, which implemented the so-called “Willie Lynch Syndrome.” This disorder works perfectly when black men and women harbor unrelenting anger towards each other. Anger is a very dangerous emotion to harbor. If it’s not channeled properly, it can physically and mentally do harm to the person who justifies harboring it.
Furthermore, unbridled anger and victimhood are tools that many black people have to use when they’re trying to get accepted into the mainstream, liberal power structure. It’s the same kind of frustrated victimhood white American women claimed when they were trying to overcome their white male oppressors during the so-called “Women’s Lib Movement” of the 1960s. D’Oyley’s words in her Huffington Post article are indicative of an adoption to this liberal agenda, which has pitted black men and women against each other just as well as the conservative agenda has. The downside is a failure for her race. The upside is that dancing this jig can serve D’Oyley well in the realm of self-centered American individualism, which can be very financially rewarding in the long run.
Source: heathlyblackwomen.com
Date Posted: Monday, September 26th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 1524
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