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Last year, an attempt was made on George Zimmerman's life, a former neighborhood watch volunteer who shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012. The man who tried to shoot George Zimmerman in a fit of road rage is named Matthew Apperson, and his trial took place recently where Zimmerman testified against him. During his testimony, Zimmerman made sure he used his time to say that Black Lives Matter is a "terrorist group." Zimmerman went on to say, "They are terrorists.. it's not a movement. I see them as terrorists." He also noted that in his view, they are "terrorist cowards." This testimony was sparked by Zimmerman and an auction posting for the gun used to Trayvon Martin. In his auction posting, Zimmerman referred to Matthew Apperson as a "BLM sympathizer."
Matthew Apperson's defense responded to Zimmerman's claim that he tried to kill him by saying the man acted in self-defense because Zimmerman pulled out a gun on him first.
Source: vladtv.com
Date Posted: Friday, September 16th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 1350
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