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Did Creflo Dollar Endorse Donald Trump? He Say's No...

Did Creflo Dollar Endorse Donald Trump He Say s No
Date Posted: Monday, August 29th, 2016

Televangelist Creflo Dollar's camp has denied reports that he has endorsed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

In a statement delivered by his spokesman, Dollar said he never has done and never does endorsements for political candidates including Donald Trump. Dollar explained in a Facebook statement that the rumor about him endorsing Trump came from a satirical website and has no truth in it.

"At World Changers Church International, I nor the ministry endorse any political party or candidate; nor do we advise our members who to vote for," Dollar said on his official Facebook page. "Any claims or statements claiming otherwise are false. This rumor originated on a satirical website and is 100% untrue."

The satirical site in question, Word on the Street, published an article a couple of weeks ago about Dollar receiving a divine message from God telling him to endorse the Republican presidential candidate. In addition, the article also mentioned that God had apologized to the televangelist about the "mixed messages he was sending."

Moreover, Creflo allegedly compared Trump with John the Baptist, saying the billionaire was sent to prepare the people for the time that Jesus Christ will come back.

It is worth noting that the writer of the Word on the Street article included comments questioning Creflo's announcement, wondering why God would apologize and asking if the televangelist is trying to imply that God makes mistakes. The writer also insinuated that Creflo was inspired to announce the said "dream" because Trump paid him to do so.

Unfortunately, other websites picked up the report by Word on the Street and spread the rumor that Creflo had endorsed Donald Trump. CT notes that the circulation of the rumor comes at a time when the billionaire met with African-American and Latino activists as part of his efforts to woo the Democrat-leaning groups.

Source: christiandaily.com

Date Posted: Monday, August 29th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 2469

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