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His claims were astounding…too astounding for some who labeled him nothing more than a charlatan. But Dr. Sebi stood behind his claims that as a naturalistic, he accomplished what orthodox medicine couldn’t and unraveled the mysteries behind defeating some of the most deadly diseases facing the world.
Dr. Sebi’s real name was Alfredo Darrington Bowman. He died last weekend in Honduras from complications of pneumonia which he contracted reportedly after having been jailed and beaten while in police custody. The 82-year old was arrested on charges of money laundering . The cause behind his death is now being investigated.
Dr. Sebi’s death is being mourned by many who truly believe his holistic remedies were the cures for mankind. But much of the world had never heard of Dr. Sebi. Here are 5 Facts That You Never Knew About Dr. Sebi:
1) Learned Everything He Knew from His Grandmom: Dr. Sebi was classified as an herbalist, pathologist, biochemist and healer, but never went to school to practice medicine. He started as an herbal healer using lessons he learned from his grandmother about how to use natural foods in our diet to stay healthy.
2) Dr. to the Stars: People world wide sought out his wisdom and remedies. Celebrities like Lisa Lopes, John Travolta, Eddie Murphy and Michael Jackson were all at one time listed as his patients. Jackson even took Sebi to the nation’s capital to meet with Black Congressmen who dismissed the herbalist’s claims and refused him support.
3) He took on the NYC Supreme Court and Won: In 1988, Dr. Sebi faced criminal and civil charges for practicing medicine without a license. With no formal education or degree to prove he was a doctor, the man known as Dr. Sebi explained to the court that he relied on making dietary adjustments to heal the body. Seventy people showed up to testify that Dr. Sebi had healed them of various illnesses and improved their overall health. The prosecution failed to show that Sebi was practicing as a doctor instead of a healer. The court found Dr. Sebi not guilty on all accounts.
4) Cures for AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer: Dr. Sebi advocated a diet of what what he called “electric foods” and herbs that would cure diseases including diabetes, sickle cells, blindness, lupus, herpes, cancer and AIDS. Sebi claimed his remedy cleared plaque from clogged cells and removed mucous and allowed the body to heal.
5) Eat 2 Live or Eat 2 Die: Dr. Sebi argued that you are indeed what you eat and advocated that a diet full of fruits and vegetables along with plenty of water to flush out toxins was all that was needed to live a healthy life. He also advised people to refrain using the microwave. Sebi founded the Dr. Sebi’s Research Institute and spent 30 years guiding followers to a healthier lifestyle.
Source: TheReelNetwork.com
Date Posted: Tuesday, August 16th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 2062
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