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Bill O'Reilly Defends Use Of Slaves To Build White House

Bill O Reilly Defends Use Of Slaves To Build White House
Date Posted: Wednesday, July 27th, 2016

Bill O'Reilly has defended the use of slaves to build the White House, saying they were 'well-fed and had decent lodging'.

The controversial Fox News host made the comments on his O'Reilly Factor show a day after Michelle Obama spoke about watching her daughters growing up in a house built by slaves.

The First Lady said she was proud to see Sasha and Malia Obama grow up in the White House during her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Fact-checking Mrs Obama's claims, O'Reilly said slaves worked from 1792 to 1800 to build the presidential lodgings in Washington, DC, but claimed they were treated well.

Controversial Fox News host Bill O'Reilly has defended the use of slaves to build the White House, saying they were 'well-fed and had decent lodging'

O'Reilly said slaves worked from 1792 to 1800 to build the presidential lodgings in Washington, DC, but claimed they were treated well.

The First Lady said she was proud to see Sasha and Malia Obama grow up in the White House, saying it showed the huge changes black people had encountered in the last 200 years

During the First Lady's speech at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, she said: 'I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.

'I watch my daughters - two beautiful, intelligent, black young women - playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.'

O'Reilly agreed that forced labor was used in the construction of the White House, but said slaves were 'well-fed and had decent lodging'.

'Slaves did participate in the construction of the White House,' he said. 'In addition, free blacks, white and immigrants also worked on the massive building.

'Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well,' O'Reilly added.

The federal government made 400 payments to slave masters as the White House was built ahead of President John Adams moving in in November 1800.

Forced laborers were used as carpenters and stonemasons, according to the White House Historical Association.

Letters from the commission in charge of constructing the nation's capital show that slaves were rented from nearby plantations in Maryland and Virginia to dig the foundation of the White House and quarry clay for the bricks used in the original building.

A letter to Pierre L'Enfant from the commission ordered him to hire 'good labouring negros by the year' to 'throw up clay' at the construction sites of the Capitol and the president's house.

Slaves were also used in the quarries where clay for bricks was dug, with one newspaper advertisement looking for 'sixty strong, active Negro men for whom good wages will be given - they shall be well used and fed'.

White House architect James Hoban also put slaves to work on the building's interior. Hoban's personal slaves joined Irish carpenters who worked inside the White House.

The slaves were put on the payroll as workers on the White House. Other slave owners who also worked at the White House rented out their slaves to use in the construction.

The federal government stopped using slaves in 1802.

Mrs Obama also used her speech to celebrate the shattering of glass ceiling by Hillary Clinton.

'Because of Hillary Clinton, all of our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States,' the First Lady said.

Source: DailyMail.com

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 , Total Page Views: 2985

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