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With the Appellate Courts now packed with far-right conservative judges and Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh added to the Supreme Court, no time better than now to kill millions of Americans by stripping healthcare away from them. Yes, if tRump succeeds, far too many lives will be cut short. It could be me, you, a family member, friend or no one you know, but, make no mistake about it, lives will be lost. In a twisted irony, some who voted for tRump will be victims or will be arranging the funerals of loved ones because of a lack of access to healthcare. One thing we should all have learned from 2016 is… elections matter and lives may depend on the outcome.
Source: moorenews.net/moorenews.net
Date Posted: Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 , Total Page Views: 2757
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